
Knowthat you will awaken into unimaginable joy.








Healing isoccurring on a vast scale all across the planet as humanity engages with itsawakening process.  The news media focuses on the conflicts and politicalupheavals worldwide as it attempts to increase the sense of fear that isendemic all across the planet.  But what they report show very clearlyindeed that great changes are in progress everywhere, and these changes trulyshow humanity’s ongoing awakening progress.  Everything that is not inalignment with Love is coming up to be acknowledged, addressed, and released,and that is what is happening.  So be uplifted by the news, not depressedand worried, because what is occurring is leading humanity forwards on its collectivespiritual path, not back into the darkness of the illusion.



Here inthe spiritual realms we are watching over you with love and wonder as youcontinue to hold and intensify your collective intent to depart from thenightmare and awaken into Reality your eternal Home.  You never left Home,but you have been asleep and dreaming some quite terrifying dreams over theeons, eons that are also aspects of the illusion.  There is no time as youare experiencing it as humans, there is only the eternal now in which all ofcreation is always present in a state of permanent joy, and it is into that statethat you will awaken.


喜悦是上帝对你的意志,他在那个状态创造了你,但是你选择体验一个不同于这个状态的状态,并建立起你的幻觉。你现在已经意识到它不服务于你,所以你选择了觉醒。在幻觉时间里这是一个重要方面,所以当你仍然困在那里你必须处理它。然而,你可以改变它 – 加快,减慢,甚至让它停止-你们中许多人都选择这样做。但是,因为你在幻想中有许多不同的进程,即使你们都同意从中醒来,你也有许多不同的时间信念,目前你们都在努力整合这些信念,以便你们能够调整它们,然后分解整个时间你的无数不同的体验 - 回到你想象中它成为的空无。

Joy isGod’s Will for you and He created you in that state, however you chose toexperience a state other than that and built your illusion.  You have nowrealized that it does not serve you and so you have chosen to awaken.  Withinthe illusion time is a major aspect, and so while you remain embedded there youhave to deal with it.  But, you can change it – speed it up, slow it down,or even stop it – and many of you are choosing to do that.  However,because you have many differing agendas within the illusion, even though youhave all agreed to awaken from it, you also have many different beliefs abouttime, and presently you are all working to integrate those beliefs so that youcan align them and then dissolve the totality of time – your myriad differentexperiences of it – back into the nothingness from which you imagined it intobeing.



Modern physics has proved conclusively for youthat there is no such feature, state or substance as time, but it doestake time for what that means to be understood and thenexpressed by humanity in general.  You still have jobs, working weeks,vacations, time off sick, because you believe youneed time to get things done.  In Reality everything happens in aninstant.  Many are beginning to realize this, and as a result are gettingmuch more done in any given day as a direct result, and are quite startled bytheir “increased productivity,” which needs less rather than more effort orenergy.  It is a very freeing experience and helps them largely releasethe stresses to which most of you who have to work for your livings have becomeaccustomed.


时间是不现实的,虚幻的,但你使它成为错觉的一个重要方面,以便有一个从开始到结束的线性流动,一种固定的秩序和方向的感觉,这是非常受限的,你可以一贯地依赖于逻辑上理解你所建立的虚幻世界,去体验分离和失落。在这个虚幻的世界里,它是非常有效的。一切体现出物理坚实的,可衡量的,并且其密度里的物理性质都具有寿命。越短暂的物质有更短的寿命——雾,天气,更坚实的岩石、金属——寿命更长。但 在你建立的虚幻世界里的一切都随时间在衰减。 因为永恒这个明显事实很难让你理解:没有时间!

Time is unreal,illusory, but you made it a major aspect of the illusion in order to have alinear flow from beginning to end, a sense of order and direction which wasimmutable, very limiting, and on which you could rely consistently for alogical understanding of the unreal world youhad built in which to experience separation and loss.  And within thatunreal world it is very effective.  Everything appears physically solid,measurable, and with a lifespan that complements the density of its physicalnature.  The more ephemeral the substance the briefer the lifespan – mist,weather – and the more solid – rocks, metals – the longer.  But everything in the unreal world you built issubject to decay with time.  Because of this apparent fact it is verydifficult for you to have an understanding of eternity, of no time!



Eternity,the timeless Reality in which All exists without interruption of any kind, isyour true Home.  It is without limits of any kind and allows endlesspotential and creativity to interact and, therefore, to be constantly ongoingin perfect harmonious cooperation, producing unbounded delights and enjoymentfor all who participate.


觉醒是你不可避免的不可改变的命运,因为你在完全觉醒充满活力和喜悦中被创造,因此,你不可能不醒来,回到那个状态。当你做出选择 ——时间的不真实 – 你当然已觉醒 - 你只是目前处在(更多的线性时间里!),你 选择了 无意识地留下来,忘记你是无限的神性和神的心爱的儿女。

Toawaken is your inevitable and unchangeable destiny,because you were created eternally fully awake, alive, and joy-filled, andconsequently it is utterly impossible for you not to awaken and return to thatstate.  You have choices about when you willdo that, but as time is unreal – you have, of course, already awakened – youare just at present (more linear time!) choosing toremain unaware of your infinite options as divine beings and beloved childrenof God.



Here, inthe spiritual realms, we are observing your constant and intensifying stirringtowards wakefulness.  We are a little like parents on Christmas Day (orwhatever major fete you celebrate) waiting for our children to awaken anddiscover with joy and excitement the gifts we have prepared for them.  Andour excitement and enthusiasm keeps mounting as we observe your progress alongyour path to awakening.



Know thatyou will awaken into unimaginable joy, and keep on paying regular daily visitsto your inner sanctuaries where the evidence of God’s Love for you isconstantly embracing you.



Yourloving brother, Jesus.







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