This is a time for rapid spiritual growth.





During this timeyou may feel a mixture of many feelingsconfusionexcitementfearhealingamazement and wonder.You love your renewed connection with the Divineand you wish you could readstudylearnor mediate all of the time.At the same timeyou may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life.What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your jobrelationshipsfamilies and friendships? These worries can create a fear that may erode the enjoyment of your spiritual pursuits and are often the blocks that stand in your way.





Surrender any fears to the angels! Trust that you are supportedlovedand guided each moment.Don"t worry about how your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same power that brought you to your spiritual path will also show you the way.After allthis Power supports all of the planets in the universesit will surely support you perfectly.Be open and allowand always enjoy the process as it unfolds!





The Mantra for today is"I trust in the Universe and the Divine to bring me to a path of growth that is just perfect for me and the answer to my prayers."






And so it is




You are dearly loved and supportedalwaysthe angels and guides




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