








A special message to the starseeds of new earth,for immediate planetary broadcast…


给新地球的星际种子的特别信息,为了立即在行星上广播 ..




序曲 :


The following information is derived from direct,decoded etheric transmissions from benevolent light forces docked in earth's solar system and some of the data comes directly from certain inside earth alliance members known as the white hats,and the great white brotherhood strategically placed in key positions of power by the galactics on the surface of planet earth!




This special message also includes data from several of the best astrologers in the world,that work closely with the earth alliance!




Note:this is a long data stream so take your time and even even read it again later to fully absorb it!


注意 : 这是一个很长的数据流,所以花点时间,甚至之後再读一遍,以充分吸收它!


Begin transmission…


开始传送 ..


Greetings great beings of light,


问候伟大的光之存有 ,


Several earth days ago,the earth alliance received a large cache of etheric data from benevolent light forces stationed in earth's solar system!


幾天前,地球聯盟從駐紮在地球太陽系的仁慈的光力量那裡,收到了大量的乙太資料 !


This encoded,akashic data stream took almost 200 hours to fully decode and contains very important and exciting information for the starseeds of planet earth!


这个经过编码的阿卡西数据流,花了将近 200 个小时才完全解码,其中包含了非常重要和令人兴奋的,地球星际种子的信息!


Akashic data is very accurate and exists beyond all time and space!




The consciousness decoding this specific data stream was taken back to ancient days when the lemurians first came to earth and was led by the data up until the end of current earth year 2020!


解碼這一特定資料流程的意識,被帶回到遠古時代,當時利莫里亞人第一次來到地球,並被這些數據所引導,直到 2020 年年底!


All the data in this transmission,as well as other recent transmissions,points to a major,imminent evolutionary event that is about occur on planet earth!This data stream also contained a key earth date and time marker for this event to occur:december 21,2020,11:11am utc!


这次传输中的所有数据,以及其他最近的传输,都指向一个即将发生在地球上的重大进化事件!这个数据流还包含一个关键的地球日期和时间标记,这个事件发生 :2020 12 21 日,上午 11:11 utc


Earth year 2020 has already been a year of powerful transformation,evolution and revolution as the great awakening sweeps across the planet,affecting all the sentient beings of planet earth!


地球年 2020 已经是一个强大的转变,进化和革命的一年,伟大的觉醒席卷了整个地球,影响了地球上所有的众生!


Everything is shifting and moving dramatically inside of the beings of earth and all systems on the planet are undergoing great change as earth is being bombarded constantly now by highly-charged cosmic rays emanating from the the galactic core!




The galactic core known as the central sun to the ancients is located at the center of earth's milky way galaxy,in the sagittarius(sgr-a)constellation!


古人称之为中央太阳的银河核心,位于地球银河系的中心,在人马座 (sgr-a)


The powerful black hole located there has recently shown heightened cyclical mass ejections activity that is causing everything in this cosmos to vibrate higher!




The central sun is permeating this solar system and planet earth with exotic particles of high frequency,gamma photon plasma light on a steady basis now and as these inbound powerful 5d,gamma light rays impact and penetrate earth's atmosphere,they are affecting all the beings of earth,in a profound way,mentally,emotionally,and physically!


中央太阳现在正以高频率的外来粒子,渗透这个太阳系和行星地球,伽马光子等离子体光现在正在稳定的基础上,当这些入境的强大的 5d ,伽马光射线冲击和穿透地球的大气层,它们正在以一种深刻的方式,影响着地球上的所有生物,在精神上,情感上,和身体上!


Bursts of these high-vibrational cosmic rays coming into earth have been measured by earth's schumann resonance to vibrate in the 40-100 hertz range!


这些高振动的宇宙射线射入地球,已经被地球的舒曼共振测量到,振动在 40-100 赫兹范围!


The gamma state of consciousness(bliss and superhuman ability)resonates between 40-100 hertz!


伽马意识状态 ( 极乐和超人能力 ) 40-100 赫兹之间共振!


The lower boundary of the 5th dimension begins at exactly 40 hertz and the upper boundary ends at exactly 100 hertz!


第五维度的下边界开始于 40 赫兹,上边界结束于 100 赫兹!


A dimension is not a place,but a state of being or consciousness that can and will manifest itself as a perceived reality!




This new higher dimension of reality that is manifesting on the planet is what we call the new earth and heaven!It is the long awaited golden age and a new era of light for humankind!




The event 2020 culmination is the grand evolutionary moment called the ascension when humanity moves fully into this new beautiful celestial world right here on earth!


2020 年的高潮事件,是被稱為 揚升 的偉大進化時刻,屆時人類將完全進入這個新的美麗的天體世界,就在地球上 !


The data contained in this transmission as well as many past direct channeled transmissions indicates in every way that this spectacular event 2020 culmination will occur in only a few earth months,on december 21,2020!


這次傳輸的資料以及過去許多直接傳輸的資料都表明, 2020 年這一壯觀的事件高潮,將在幾個地球月後的 2020 12 21 日發生 !


This is the time spoken of old by many prophets and visionaries when humanity would begin moving from the long period of cosmic darkness into to the blinding new light of the golden age!




Return to lemuria




In ancient times,the lemurians came to planet earth through the solar portal,first in non-physical,etheric bodies!




These etheric beings started breathing in the prana food of the thick atmosphere of the planet and soon after began ingesting fruits,seeds,nuts and other natural earth energy foods and eventually developed physical human bodies!




These celestial space travelers settled in hawaiin-lemurian monasteries and temples where they meditated daily,worked in their advanced laratories and recorded every detail of their cosmic journey to planet earth in both the akashic records and in written manuscripts.




These written lemurian manuscripts were closely guarded and passed down through the great white brotherhood,from generation to generation and still exist today!




It is said that anyone who gazes upon the treasured lemurian scrolls with a sincere heart will experience a deep stirring of ancient memories and as the lemurian akashic data begins downloading into the soul,a grand awakening begins at once,inside the one who seeks divine knowledge!




The one who takes in this ancient knowledge cannot deny it's divine and authentic power!




Many of us clearly remember this ancient time because we are these same beings that first came to planet earth!The memories are stored in our cells and our lemurian memories are being activated more and more now as this new celestial light enters our layered bodies!




The creators of the lemurian scrolls focused a majority of their teachings on the importance of the central sun!




The central sun was everything to these advanced beings and as the information enters you,it will become the most important thing to you as well!




The lemurians refer to the central sun as the source of all life,all knowledge,all power,the god of all gods and the shiva!The central sun is the hidden sun,the inner sun and the source of all being and is the opposite force of earth's sun!




Ancient lemurian writings speak of cosmic cycles called yugas which are epochs of time,measured as earth's galaxy revolves around the central sun!


古代利莫里亚文献中提到的宇宙周期叫做 yugas ,这是时间的纪元,以地球的星系围绕中太阳旋转来衡量!




There is much debate and guessing in the 3d world about when the kali yuga of darkness will end and the sat yuga of light will appear again on the earth even among hindu scholars!




Ancient lemurian manuscripts say the true data about the yuga ages,in regards to the 5th-dimensional central sun is completely concealed from a lower-dimensional view and the correct data is stored only in lemurian,etheric,5th dimensional akashic records!


古代利莫里亚手稿说,关于中央太阳的 5 维年代的真实数据,完全被低维视图所掩盖,而正确的数据,只存储在利莫里亚、以太体、 5 维阿卡西记录中!


The full understanding of true time calculations of divine years,celestial years and even very distorted human years is very different when decoded from this higher dimension!




We tell you,do not waste time trying to study this from a 3d point of view because it is a 5th dimensional matter and this data simply cannot be decoded correctly at all the 3d level!




The ancient great white brotherhood and the keepers of time have a saying:"kali yuga is for hypocrites and fools,they always live in it.


古代伟大的白人兄弟会和时间的守护者有一句话 :" 卡利年代是为伪君子和傻瓜准备的,他们总是活在其中。


The wise and the truthful reside eternally in satya yuga."


智慧和真理永远驻留在萨提亚年代(黃金時代)。 "


The sat yuga will not begin in 2024,2025 or 2038 or even 400,000 years from now as some 3d scholars say!It is not so!


Sat yuga(黃金時代) 不会像一些 3d 学者说的那样,在 2024 年、 2025 年、 2038 年甚至 40 万年后开始!不是这样的。


They absolutely do not know exactly when these cycles began and ended throughout the ages,and most all of them are guessing wildly,in error about when sat yuga of light will appear!




The most recent light forces transmission received by the earth alliance shows that the kali yuga of darkness has already ended and the sat yuga of the golden age coincides exactly with the new aquarian age that will dawn on december 21,2020!




You are close to the true time when you look at the mayan time keeping system!




The mayan long count calendar and the 5th sun ended on 12/21/2012!


玛雅长历法和第五个太阳在 2012 12 21 日结束!


The mayan 6th sun,the new earth began to dawn that day!




On the hindu(lemurian)calendar,the dark kali yuga also came to an end close to that same date!




On 12/21/2012,the light of the hindu sat yuga first begin to dawn!


2012 12 21 日,印度教年代的光明第一次开始破晓!


Though the cosmic sat yuga light that appeared that day has been building in power on the surface of the planet,it has been obscured from fully entering the earth!




One reason this light has been obscured is because jupiter and pluto have been blocking it to some degree to this point and we are sure you realize there have been great efforts made by nefarious beings to block these solar rays from reaching the surface,even recently!




Due to the cosmic alignments of 2020,and especially the ones in december,the central sunlight of the glorious sat yuga golden age will be able fully shine on planet earth,on december 21,2020!


由于 2020 年的宇宙排列,特别是 12 月的排列,光荣的黃金時代的中央太阳光,将能够在 2020 12 21 日完全照耀在地球上!


The cosmic gates will be fully opened on that day and the most powerful,unstoppable and blinding stream of 40-hertz gamma light in history will blast through the heavens and flow into the planet!


宇宙之门将在那一天完全打开,历史上最强大、不可阻挡和令人眩目的 40 赫兹伽马射线流将穿过天空,流入地球!


At this point we want to trigger an important ancient memory!




Do you remember looking through the square stone holes at stonehenge and other stone temples,and observatories that you built,at the exact moment when this blinding sun light appeared in the past?




Do you see why you did all of this now?




The lemurians first arrived on planet earth during the golden age of sat yuga when the earth was closest to the central sun!


利莫里亚人在 sat yuga 黄金时代首次来到地球,当时地球最接近太阳中心 !


During sat yuga,the planet existed in the highest dimensions!


sat yuga 年代,行星存在于最高维度!


The lemurian on earth during the sat yuga era,existed in an enlightened,super-heightened state of consciousness and their kundalini was fully developed!


地球上的利莫里亚人 sat yuga 时代,存在于一个开悟的,超高度的意识状态,他们的昆达里尼已经充分发展!


These master beings possessed super-natural,godlike abilities such as being able to fly,immortality,time travel,and teleportation!




It is written in lemurian manuscripts that the central sun is the single source of all supernatural abilities,as well as the source of all life,all matter and all evolution in this entire cosmos!




In the beginning,the earth already existed in the higher dimensions and it later descended into a state of darkness as it moved away from the galactic core/central sun throughout the processionary cycles of cosmos!


一开始,地球就已经存在于更高的维度中,随着它在整个宇宙循环中远离银河系核心 / 中央太阳,它后来陷入了一种黑暗的状态!


According to the cycles of the cosmos,just as the earth had descended into darkness,it will ascend back into the higher realms of light and the beings who are living on the planet today will soon ascend with the earth!


根据宇宙的周期,就像地球堕入黑暗一样,它将重新上升到更高的光明领域,而今天生活在地球上的生命也将很快与地球一起上升 !


Back down to earth,2020


返回地球, 2020


Planet earth is once again moving out of the dark area of the galaxy and is already moving back into the light of the central sun!




This is why the schumann resonance is spiking every few days at the 40-hertz,5d level!


这就是为什么,舒曼共振每隔几天,就在 40 赫兹, 5d 水平上尖峰的原因!


There is no significant solar activity occurring to cause this and there is no events on earth that will spike the schumann resonance to a sustained 40 hertz level!


没有明显的太阳活动发生,来导致这个,地球上也没有什么事件,致使舒曼共振达到持续的 40 赫兹水平!


The high vibrational energy that has been showing up around the planet is not coming from the sun,or other planetary bodies and is not coming from earth!




This high-frequency energy we are seeing and experiencing is coming from the galactic core/central sun!


我们正在看到和体验的这种高频能量,来自银河核心 / 中央太阳!


Heightened levels of gamma light are now coming into the layered body system of all beings of earth and in this cosmos and science and biology has proven some time ago that gamma light re-codes and upgrades dna and it does it faster than anything known!


伽马光的强度,现在正进入地球上所有存有的多维身体系统中,在这个宇宙中,科学和生物學,在一段时间以前已经证明,伽马光重新编码和升级 dna ,它比任何已知的东西都要快!


In fact,a gamma laser can morph the embryo of one species into an entirely different species within 48 hours!How's that for a fast dna upgrade?Russian earth science has already successfully achieved this dna transfer and recoding experiment and though this science is still considered fringe with many implications,it can be done right now on planet earth!


事实上,伽马光线可以在 48 小时内,将一个物种的胚胎变成完全不同的物种!这对 dna 的快速升级有什么帮助?俄罗斯地球科学已经成功地完成了,这项 dna 转移和重编码实验,尽管这项科学仍然被认为是,具有许多意义的边缘科学,但它现在就可以在地球上完成!


As incoming gamma rays from the 5d,central sun at the galactic core,bombard human-vessel dna,both the starseeds and humans of planet earth are currently morphing into a divine race where they will soon possess 12 active strands of dna!The more dna strands that are active,the higher the level of consciousness!


来自银河系核心中央太阳的 5 维伽马射线,轰击着人类的容器 dna ,星际种子和地球上的人类,目前正在演变成一个神圣的种族,他们将很快拥有 12 条活跃的 dna 链!活跃的 dna 链越多,意识水平就越高!


The grand 2020 jupiter/pluto stargate


2020 年木星 / 冥王星星际之门


Recently,a powerful jupiter-pluto stargate opened that is allowing much higher levels of central-sun light rays to come into the planet for the first time in eons!


最近,一个强大的木星 - 冥王星星际之门打开了,使得更高层次的中央 - 太阳光线,很久以来第一次进入这个星球!


This 2020 jupiter-pluto stargate is part of a series of several key celestial events that occur in cycles,leading the planet to a grand energetic apex!


这个 2020 年的木星 - 冥王星星际之门,是一系列关键的天体事件的一部分,这些事件以循环的方式发生,将这个星球引向一个巨大的能量顶点!


This incredible celestial alignment of 2020 is the celestial sign of the long awaited time of the complete liberation of planet earth,the grand evolutionary ascension of humanity and the new golden era of light!


这令人难以置信的 2020 年天体排列,是地球完全解放、人类伟大的进化提升,和光的新黄金时代期待已久的天体标志!


The planets and stars are shifting into dramatic positions right now and procession is leading up to something really big that will occur at one grand moment!Match the exact timing of this moment with the end and beginning of major universal evolutionary time cycles and you have something colossal!


现在,行星和恒星正在向戏剧性的位置转变,而这一过程,正在导致一些真正的大事件,在一个伟大的时刻发生!當这一时刻的确切时间,与主要的宇宙進化的时间周期的结束和开始相吻合,你就会有一个大事件 !


The celestial events happening in our modern time are part of a grand cosmic process taking place that is building up to peak!




It began in 2012,reached its midpoint in 2016 and will end with a great grand spectacle at the end of earth year 2020!


它始于 2012 年,在 2016 年达到了它的中点,并将在 2020 年地球年末,以一个壮观的景象结束!


Major celestial events of 2020 leading up to the 12/21/2020 grand alignment!


2020 1221 大联欢前的重大天文事件!


*a rare 3,000 year triple conjunction,in a 33 year saturn pluto conjunction!


33 年的土星冥王星合相中,罕见地发生了 3000 年的三合!


*a 13 year jupiter pluto conjunction!


木星与冥王星 13 年的合相!


*the annular solar eclipse,that also happens to fall on the exact same day as the 2020 summer solstice!


* 日环食 ---- 也恰好发生在 2020 年夏至的同一天!


*a 20 year jupiter saturn great conjunction that falls on the most significant solar day of the year-the december solstice!


*20 年的木星土星大会合,在一年中最重要的太阳日—— 12 月至日!


The fact that these unique and powerful alignments all occurring at the same moment,and coinciding with the ending and beginning of major celestial cycles is incredibly mind-blowing and has powerful synchronistic meaning to say the least!




The series of magnificent heavenly events that are occuring will herald the beginning of a new era of light on planet earth!




We know what is coming by what hear and see inside using our intuition!




We know what is coming as we subtly read it from akashic data streams!


当我们巧妙地从 akashic 数据流中读取它的时候,我们知道将要发生什么!


We know what is coming by remembering our past and by seeing the future inside of ourselves!




We know what is coming by what the alignments of the cosmos say!




It's all written clearly as signs in the heavens!




The galactic cycles of the past,the present and the future show what did happen,what is happening and what will surely happen again!




Understanding and knowing this is why all ancient advanced races of earth focused so much on the stars!




The evolutionary event that is coming is imminent now and could only happen when celestial events are aligned the way they are now to create enough cosmic energy to a major epoch change!




These heavenly events are readable,measureable and predictable!




What happens above,happens below!




There is nothing new under the sun and what was,shall be again!




We have been here before!




Celestial alignments have a direct affect on human evolution and on planet earth!




If a celestial event is fairly insignificant,there is not much affect on humanity and the planet,however,the bigger the celestial event,the bigger the conscious and physical impact humanity and the planet experiences!




When powerful celestial events have happened in earth's past,major events occured on the planet!




The evidence left behind of these grand planetary epochs and changes of the past are imprinted all around planet earth!




Also in the past when cosmic cycles changed from one yuga to another,celestial bodies were aligned in similar positions to where they are right now and this is when the most profound evolutionary change has happened on earth!




Here are some major events that occurred in earth's past during a cosmic cycle shift:


以下是地球过去,在宇宙循环转变期间,发生的一些重大事件 :


Tiamat destruction




The beginning and end of the ice age




Prehistoric species extinction




The coming of the annunaki




The great deluge




Major separation of original single global land mass(pangea)!


最初的单一全球大陆块 ( 盘古 ) 的主要分离!


Dramatic increase and decrease in size of everything on the planet!




Dramatic increase and decrease in human consciousness levels among the past races of earth!




The first created,modern human




The beginning and end of the lemurian and the atlantean civilizations




The beginning and end of the megalithic builder races




The disappearance of the mayan culture




The pleiadian departure from earth




All of these events happened in earth's pre-history and they all happened exactly when one age changed to a new one and these events were all preceded by powerful and rare celestial alignments!




Can you read the tea leaves?




We are here again,great one!




The great solar flash




Coinciding with major cosmic cycles ending and beginning right now plus the celestial alignments and stargates that are opening,is the fact that our sun is due any moment to have its great flash which happens every 25,920 years in what is known as a great cycle!


事实上,我们的太阳每 25,920 年,就会发生一次巨大的闪光,这就是所谓的大周期!


This flash has been known by almost every ancient civilization in recorded has been written with names as samvartaka fire,frashokereti,ekpyrosis,and yuga fire.


在有记载的历史上,几乎所有的古代文明都知道这一闪光。它被命名为 samvartaka 火灾, frashokereti ekpyrosis ,和 yuga 火灾。


The data in all recent earth alliance transmissions shows this grand solar flash is also imminent and all signs and data point to the fact that this event will also occur before the end of earth year 2020!


最近所有地球联盟传输的数据显示,这个大太阳闪光也即将到来,所有的迹象和数据,都指向这样一个事实,即这个事件也将在 2020 年地球年底之前发生!


Certain members of the earth alliance know about the certainty of this solar event and confirm that our solar system is passing through an extremely,energetically dense area of the galaxy at this very hour and




The exotic particles contained in this cosmic plasma field are charging the galactic core up like a giant super capacitor,which will soon discharge as an epic and cosmic light event that will be seen by all beings on the surface of the earth!




The grand solar flash will be a massive an eruption of blinding,magnetic,5d white gamma light ejected from the galactic core that will be viewed from earth and witnessed as a second sun in the sky!


巨大的太阳闪光将是一次大规模的爆发,从银河系核心喷射出耀眼的、磁性的、 5 维白色的伽马射线,从地球上看,就像天空中的第二个太阳!


The energy released from this central sun emission is known as the compression breakthrough and will trigger the full mass ascension event of planetary consciousness!




The light from this cosmic blast will be so powerful,it will light up the skies of earth for a period of 1000 years!


来自这个宇宙爆炸的光,是如此强大,它将照亮地球的天空长达 1000 年!


This divine golden light of the new age that will illuminate planet earth during the next millennium!




Great ones,


伟大的一们 ,


This current dramatic shift we are experiencing will rapidly accelerate during the rest of 2020 and will end with a dramatic closing scene!


我们目前正在经历的这个戏剧性的转变,将在 2020 年的剩余时间里迅速加速,并将以戏剧性的结束场景结束!


This closing scene is the grand event 2020 culmination that all earth alliance data shows will occur on 21 december 2020!


这个结束的场景,是 2020 年的大事件的高潮,所有地球联盟的数据显示,将发生在 2020 12 21 日!


Besides all the data markers we have mentioned in this important message,which all point to the same exact earth time and to the same event,there are many other areas of science and spirituality that provide verifiable and credible evidence that the golden age of humanity is indeed imminent!




Here are a few examples of this evidence




*the undeniable 40-*hertz,5d gamma light being imprinted on the schumann graph every few days.


* 不可否认的是,每隔几天,舒曼图上就会出现 40* 赫兹、 5d 伽马光。


*the incredible and obvious great awakening that is currently occurring on the planet.


* 地球上目前正在发生的,令人难以置信和明显的大觉醒。


*data from quantum hypnosis participants who claim they were actually there(in the hypnosis session)during past major earth events and where there when the grand solar flash and humanity's ascension happened in a future time.


* 来自量子催眠实验参与者的数据,他们声称,在过去的地球重大事件中,他们确实在那里 ( 在催眠实验中 ) ,在未来的某个时间,当大太阳闪光和人类提升发生的时候,他们确实在那里。


*thousands of ancient prophecies,manuscripts and even modern writings that speak about this great time.


* 成千上万的古代预言、手稿甚至现代著作,讲述了这个伟大的时代。


*many reliable mediums,psychics and channelers that have seen this same event happening at the end of 2020!


* 许多可靠的媒介、心理学家和通灵师,见证了 2020 年底同样的事件的发生!


On december 21,2020 our entire galaxy will move into the fifth dimension,also known as,the new age of aquarius and,the sixth golden age!On this evolutionary day,planet earth will enter the celestial age of spiritual awakening!


2020 12 21 日,我们的整个银河系将进入第五维度,也被称为,水瓶座的新时代,第六黄金时代!在这个进化的日子里,地球将进入灵性觉醒的天体时代!


The spiritual forces of the central sun will change everything in this realm in profound and positive ways!




Those who wish to live in harmony,sharing,caring,co-operating and working with nature,creativity and love will form spiritual communities and an entirely new and different civilization.




The new aquarian age brings in the realization of our true divine selves and in this,all things become possible and a state of perfection is reached!




We have waited for so long and endured so many things on planet earth,incarnating over and over,countless times,just to behold the glorious appearance of the new golden age!




We have maintained hope through it all and we have overcome the whole world just to be able to stand on the earth and witness the magnificence of what is coming!




It is our ticket home,great one!




The great time has finally arrived!




What is coming just over the horizon is greater than anything any prophet saw and is the most valuable and precious thing in the universe!




We shall finally see,encounter,and experience the new paradigms of the"new age"with our very own eyes,for which we descended this time…the last time on a 3rd dimensional planet!


我们终将亲眼目睹、遭遇并体验 " 新时代 " 的新范式,为此我们这次降临 ...... 这是最后一次来到第三维度的行星!


As we move closer to the grand year of 2020,we must all be the best versions of ourselves that we can be!


随着 2020 年底的临近,我们必须成为最好的自己!


The incoming light is very strong now and it will only increase in power over the next five months!




Ascension symptom alert:as more and more gamma light comes into the layered body system,ascension symptom reports among the starseeds of earth are in an elevated state all across the earth right now!


扬升症状警告 : 随着越来越多的伽马光进入多维的身体系统,扬升症状报告,在地球的所有星际种子中,现在都处于一个揚升的状态!


Let us know what ascension symptoms or major life changes you may be experiencing at this time!




It takes a strong and healthy light being to be able to integrate these higher levels of photonic light so now is the time to take the best care of your body,your mind,your emotions and your spirit!




Eat only natural,plant-based energy foods and drink lots of pure water!




You may have to rest/sleep more than normal to integrate these higher levels of light!


你可能需要比平时更多的休息 / 睡眠,来整合这些更高级别的光!


Remove yourself from all the negative people and things in your life and spend some time are changing and healing so you need to be left alone for a time!




Finish your inner trauma healing now to clear trapped negative and toxic emotional energy from the body!




Seek knowledge outside of the matrix system so you can fully understand what is happening!




Ground yourself in nature!




Meditate at least one hour per day!




A sea salt bath each day will do wonders!




Ask for help in starseed social media groups!




Monatomic 5d andara crystals help channel high-vibrational energy through the layered bodies.


单原子 5d ara 晶体,有助于通过层状物体获得高振动能。


Love on yourself more than ever,re-create your life to be only what you want,and learn to ignore the opinion of others!




You have to come first now and that is just the way it is!




Begin to be sovereign in every way and govern yourself and your life accordingly!




Great one,


伟大的一们 ,


The incredible planetary alignments of 2020 are the most powerful and significant ones in human history as the dark cycle of the cosmos now closes and a new cycle of light opens!


2020 年令人难以置信的行星排列,是人类历史上最强大和最重要的,因为宇宙的黑暗周期现在已经结束,一个新的光的周期已经打开!


Light has now come into this world and light reveals what has been hidden in the dark!




An apocalyptic event is one that uncovers,discloses,unveils or reveals that which has been hidden.




A true apocalypse is happening right now and it is indeed a great revelation!




We are all currently going through an apocalypse(revealing)that began in 2012,just like the ancient mayans and hindus predicted,and that the celestial cycles of the past and present say will end in 2020,after which a new chapter in human history will begin.


正如古代玛雅人和印度教徒所预言的那样,我们现在正在经历,一场始于 2012 年的启示,过去和现在的天体周期,将在 2020 年结束,之后人类历史将开启新的篇章。


The light of truth is setting the beings of earth free as the old world gives way to a new one!




This is the way,the truth and it leads to eternal life and heaven!




All,galactic intel,channeled data,every oracle and every sign in the cosmos is pointing to that fact that an imminent evolutionary event is about to occur on planet earth!




What is coming is big,it's coming fast,it is magnificent and it's headed straight for planet earth,in 5 earth months!


即将到来的是巨大的,它来得很快,它是壮观的,它直奔行星地球,在 5 个地球月!


Standby great one as we move towards the final phase of the event 2020 and the appearance of the long awaited,golden age!


等待伟大的一们,因为我们走向 2020 年的最后阶段,等待已久的黄金时代的出现!


Buckle up for the next 5 earth months for an incredible ride!


在接下来的 5 个地球月里,系好安全带,开始一段不可思议的旅程吧!


Thank you for coming to earth and for your great service to all of humanity!






上帝保佑 ,


Michael and the pleiadians



Special credit and acknowledgment to the earth alliance,the great white brotherhood,the white dragon society,pleiadian codename:cobra,the guardians of earth and the sphere being alliance.

对地球联盟、大白龙会、白龙会、昴宿星代号 : 柯博拉、地球守护者和球体联盟的特殊荣誉和感谢。







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