



We are experiencing a new level of Embodiment and revelation and increasing physicalisation of what is already created in the etheric. More Magnetic Shifts are predicted following the June 23rd scientifically unexplained Global Magnetic Anomaly so the next phase of magnetic releases is beginning. Two important planetary events shift the energy field completely this week:


我们正在体验一个新的体现、启示、越来越多的以太中建立的东西物理化的水平。在 6 23 日科学无法解释的全球磁场异常之后预计会有更多的磁场转变,所以磁场释放的下一个阶段正在开始。两个重要的行星事件会在本周彻底改变能量场:


 Mars crosses the World Axis into Aries for 6 months instead of the usual 6 weeks!


•火星穿过世界轴线进入白羊座 6 个月,而不是平常的 6 个星期!


 A Lunar Eclipse across 13 Capricorn/Cancer on July 5


7 5 日月食跨越 13 魔蝎座( 13 Capricorn/Cancer


The next 6 months are going to be intense. Mars crosses the sensitive World Axis on June 28th and exits on January 6th 2021, travelling back and forth across his own sign of Aries. It’s been 32 years (1988) since the last Mars retrograde in Aries and it will be 47 years before it happens again in 2067.


接下来的 6 个月会是强烈的。火星在 6 28 日穿越敏感的世界轴线,在 2021 1 6 日退出,来回跨越白羊座。从上次火星在白羊座逆行已经过去了 32 年( 1988 年),下次 2067 年还需要 47 年。


This transit will dominate the second half of 2020, so check your chart to find out which aspect of your life Mars will be energising. In August and again in December, the Warrior planet will make repeated squares to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn plus an exact conjunction with Disruptor Eris-the stakes are high.


这个过境会主导 2020 年的下半年,所以检查你的图表去找出你生活的哪些方面火星会来供能。在 8 月以及 12 月,战士行星( Warrior planet )会在魔蝎座与木星、土星、冥王星组成重复的正方形,外加一个与破坏者厄里斯( Disruptor Eris )精确的结合,风险很高


Whatever happened back in March when Mars conjuncted Saturn and Pluto will be coming back round again for resolution. For most of us, this was when the Covid19 lockdowns began…….


无论在 3 月发生了什么 --- 当火星与土星和冥王星结合 --- 会再次回来被解决。对于我们大多数人,那是病毒隔离开始的时候


This is warrior, pioneering energy, intensifying the life force, the libido, upleveling your physicality. The shadow side is ego and the refusal to consider other people in pursuit of your goals. In the collective, the 1% are going to be repeatedly challenged by the rage of the 99% in a perfect storm caused by of lockdown frustration, financial losses and hardship mixed with demands for social equality.


这是战士、先驱的能量,加强生命力、性欲、升级你的身体。阴影面是小我以及在追求你的目标之中拒绝去考虑到别人。在集体中, 1% 会重复受到 99% 的怒火,出于隔离、沮丧、经济损失、艰苦混合着对社会平等的要求创造的完美风暴


Growth and evolution will come from how well you transform Strong Will into Skilful Will through psychosynthesis. We all need to become Sacred Actioneers.




Next Sunday July 5th the Lunar Eclipse is the very last of 9 eclipses across Capricorn/Cancer since 2018. One by one, they have brought home to every single one of us the lived Truth of the fragility and impermanence of life – as Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto’s transits through Capricorn at the same time have broken apart social frameworks, governments and the economy. This is a time to be very gentle with yourself – the world will feel harsh and emotions raw. The Capricorn Moon can be hard on those of us who are sensitives.


下个星期天, 7 5 日,月食是 2018 年起横跨魔蝎座 9 个日月食的最后一个。一个接一个,它们带给了我们生命脆弱和无常的真理 --- 随着木星、火星和冥王星同时通过魔蝎座,打破社会框架、政府和经济、这是对自己温柔的时间 --- 世界会感觉起来很严酷,情感很粗糙。魔蝎座月亮对我们敏感的人来说会是艰难的


翻译:Nick Chan




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