



Dear Ones,




You probably lack energy and enthusiasm for the activities that once felt as if they were the cornerstone of your life. Your disinterest in all but a limited amount of activity is far beyond what you expected when we announced that new energies were shifting your interior.




You are even frightened you might have something medically wrong. Something 3D society enhances by creating new fear ailments almost daily.


你甚至害怕你可能有“病”。 3D 社会几乎每天都通过创造新的令人恐惧的疾病知识来加强你这个恐惧


So it is you are entering the most active time of your calendar year with a lack of enthusiasm or interest. Simple and easy are your current inner directives.




You wonder who you are. For those pieces that created enthusiasm, no longer matter. And the few pieces interesting enough to get you off the couch are only so for short bursts of time.




The internal shifts you are now experiencing are similar to the maturity differences between a toddler and a teenager.




Your difficulty is existing in a 3D world surrounded by those beginning to shift, or somewhere between your achievements and those starting to shift. So it is you have friends and family questioning your lack of enthusiasm. While others no longer wish to be with you because you are so different.


你的困难是存在于一个 3D 世界,周围充满了开始转变的人,或者存在于从你的成就到那些开始转变之人之间的某个地方。所以你的一些朋友和家人在质问你的缺乏热情。而其他人不再希望与你在一起,因为你是如此不同


Perhaps you were a giggler in 3D, but are now more serious or the opposite. It does not matter how your being is adapting. Just know you are not who you were yesterday and will be more estranged from October 2019, you, tomorrow. Minute by minute, you are sloughing off the 3D cells that held you on the tightrope between 3D and 5D.


也许你曾经在 3D 中非常搞笑,但现在更加严肃或相反。你是如何改变的并不重要。只是知晓,你已经不是昨天的你,明天的你会和 2019 10 月的你非常疏远。时时刻刻,你在脱离将你困于 3D 5D 之间的 3D 细胞


Until recently, it was fairly common for you to adjust to either 3D or 5D as the need arose. You could work in an office filled with 3D beings and yet absorb 5D information at home.


在最近之前,对你来说很常见 --- 要么调整到 3D 要么 5D ,当需求升起。你可以在一个充满了 3D 存在的办公室工作,但在家里吸收 5D 信息


You are discovering such dimensional shifts are no longer possible. Something quite frightening on many levels. For even though you are becoming a new entity, you continue to exist in a 3D world.


你正在发现这样的维度转变不再可能。这在许多层面上令人惊恐。因为即使你在成为一个新的实体,你继续存在于 3D 世界


So it is you are displaying the new, the different, the unknown. All of which will become known in 2020.


所以你在展示新的、不同的、未知的东西。这一切都会在 2020 被所知


You are the first complete 5D toe dippers in the New Earth waters of change.




Your new world feels uncomfortable, perhaps frightening, and so you might lash out (you think) at someone you like or love. Only to discover they did not realize you were doing so. Almost as if you have a cloak of secrecy surrounding you. What you believe to be your worst actions or words are not noticed by others – they continue to sense you of yesterday.


你的新世界感觉起来不舒服,也许令人害怕,所以你可能会攻击(你认为)你喜欢或爱的人。却发现他们没有意识到你在这么做。好似你有一件隐形的斗篷包裹着你。你认为是你最糟糕的行为或话语但并未被他人注意到 --- 他们继续感知你为昨天的你


You are in the midst of a shift only possible, you thought, in science fiction materials. But then, many science-fiction concepts have become a reality. Such is so because when it is time for something to become a reality, those thoughts are communicated en masse. So some elect to write about or design those items, and others invent them. In the 1400s, Leonardo Da Vinci designed many imaginary pieces, including helicopters. For he could float in and out of thought clouds at will, as have others that society ignored or laughed at.


你处于一个,你认为,只在科幻小说中才有可能的转变。但,许多科幻概念已经成为了一个现实。这是因为当是时候让某样东西成为现实,那些想法会被集体传达。所以一些人选择书写或设计那些物品,其他人发明它们。在 1400 年,达芬奇设计了许多虚构的作品,包括直升机。因为他可以随意在思想的云海中漂浮,社会上的其他人忽视或嘲笑他


You are now living the science fiction you once read about. Becoming a new being in a new world. It is just that you, like Leonardo Da Vinci, are moving into place more rapidly than those following. And by so doing, you are finding that the 3D interests that once held your attention not that interesting. And 5D interests that will hold your attention, not yet available.


你正在活出你曾经阅读过的科幻小说。在一个新的世界中成为一个新的存在。只是你,就像达芬奇,在比那些跟随的人更加快速地到位。通过这么做,你发现曾经吸引你的 3D 兴趣不再让你感兴趣。会吸引你的 5D 兴趣,还未可供你获取


Perhaps you will better understand this time if you imagine this as an early teen stage in which you dream of dating but are not yet allowed to do so. Oh, the angst of that early teen stage! So it is now. You are no longer a 3D toddler, nor are you a full-fledged teenager. Such will occur in 2020.


也许你会更好地理解这个时刻,如果你把这个时刻比作青少年梦想约会,但不被允许去做。哦,还有这个青少年阶段的焦虑。所以现在也是这样。你不再是一个 3D 的学步孩童,你也不是一个全面成熟的青少年。这会在 2020 年发生


Your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies are merely preparing for that shift. Allow yourself to float in and out of exhaustion, interest, and activity. For others, not yet at this stage, will not notice the difference – any more than a toddler notices the shifts of their teenage sibling.


你的物理、情绪、精神身体只是在为这个转变做准备。让自己在疲惫、兴趣和活动之中飘进飘出。对于其他人,还未到达这个阶段的,不会注意到不同 --- 就像一个学步的孩童不会注意到他们青少年哥哥姐姐的转变


Suffice it for you to know you are in the midst of a significant transition that will reach fruition after the 12/21 energy burst. Shifting you from a 5D wannabe to a full-fledged 5D being.


也就是说去知晓,你处于一个会在 1221 能量爆发后到达完成的重大转变。将你从一个想要成为 5D 的人转变成完全成熟的 5D 存在


Of course, we have long told you that you were of 5D. And so you were and are. The difference is that you are honing your 5D being from a rough cut diamond to a glittering stone with multi-faceted sparkles.


当然,我们早就告诉过你你是 5D 的。所以你是。不同之处在于你在打磨你的 5D 存在(从一个粗糙的钻石变成闪闪发光的有很多切面的宝石)


Each phase you complete allows you to sparkle more as has been true since you first entered your new 5D being. But this phase is the difference between night and day. Even though both are earth expressions, day time is so much brighter. So be it. Amen.


你完成的每一个阶段会让你更多地发光,比起你刚进入新 5D 存在时所拥有的。但这个阶段就是昼与夜的不同。即使两者都是地球的表达,白天就是更加明亮。就是如此


通灵:Brenda Hoffman

翻译:Nick Chan





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