



Once again,thanks to Joan Wheaton,for her notes from Corey and David's 8-24-19 presentation.Thanks so much to her for compiling these notes.


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HIGHLIGHTS from my handwritten NOTES


DAVID WILCOCK and COREY GOODE at'Dimensions of Disclosure'–August 24,2019


Ben and Rob:there are now 2000 people on the live-stream!


David and Corey:during the Phoenix lights,there was a black triangle craft in sight with bolts on the bottom,and there was a rippling effect visible over it.It was leaning on an angle and was huge;about 600 feet across.


…the truth is SO deeply veiled under the guise of fiction(movies,etc.)…


…beings exist who have dinosaur faces…


Pete Peterson went to 65 off-world locations.Before he passed on,he said that if Trump remained President for six more months he would be able to talk about anything he wanted to!


Qanon is openly giving us 500 proofs that it is coming out of the current administration.


David has challenged Rachel Maddow to a debate on her show!

…the c-bal never wants to call you out by name,because if they do,it's like a sacrifice of the anonymity they have…

大卫已经挑战瑞秋麦道在她的节目辩论!C-bal 从来不会叫你的名字,因为如果他们这样做,就像是牺牲了他们的匿名性..

…people get pulled into underground bases all the time.The passengers on the 9/11 planes could be alive underground at a base…


…three intuitive empaths would be used to find portals(above ground or underground)that the military(SSP)could use.


…a healing for Corey:after rejoining the SSP,Corey was home,when little people that looked like Mayans started appearing and running around his house.They took him up on a giant ship to heal the traumatic memories he had endured during his time with the SSP.During this healing he discovered that he had done not just one but THREE different"twenty-and-backs!".He sat on a floating slab and a magnet went down over his head.The magnet isolated the memories;it vibrated,and there was a release(it removed either the emotion associated with the memories,or,it removed the memories themselves)…they were horrible memories that had to be healed.

重新加入 SSP 后,科里回到了家,这时看起来像玛雅人的小人物开始出现在他的房子里,在他的房子里跑来跑去。他们把他带上了一艘巨大的飞船,以治愈他在 SSP 期间忍受的创伤记忆。在治疗过程中,他发现自己不止做了一次,而是做了三次不同的"二十回合".他坐在一块浮动的平板上,一块磁铁从他头上落下。磁铁隔离了记忆,振动了,并且有一种释放(它移除了与记忆相关的情绪,或者,它移除了记忆本身)...它们是需要治愈的可怕的记忆。

After his healing,'Gonzales'(someone he worked with in the SSP)told him that a craft would pick him up in his backyard.It landed and was the size of an SUV.It was a black triangle that hovered above the ground(the Navy declassified this same vehicle years later).It's powered by something that's like Xenon gas;when activated,it creates gravitational waves.

They were cleared to land on a base on the Moon(Lunar Operations Command(LOC).They flew into a crater.The vehicle moved so fast that it looks looked like they would crash into the surface but they did not.There were hundreds of people who worked there.In certain areas,there were'fake'views(out the windows)that made you think that you were still on Earth.

康复后,"冈萨雷斯"(他在 SSP 的同事)告诉他,会有一架飞机在他的后院接他。它着陆了,有一辆越野车那么大。这是一个盘旋在地面上的黑色三角形(美国海军在几年后解密了这辆车)。它由类似氙气的东西提供能量;当被激活时,它会产生引力波。他们被允许在月球基地着陆(月球作战司令部)。他们飞进了一个火山口。这辆车移动得非常快,看起来好像他们会撞上表面,但是他们没有。有数百人在那里工作。在某些地区,有""的观点(窗外),使你认为你仍然在地球上。

William Thompkins designed some of these vehicles but he was never told that they had actually been put into operation.He designed a circular craft that was similar to a vessel that Corey had served on.


People in these programs were recruited not only from different locations but from different TIME periods,as well!Those who were not in our current time could be noticed easily,as their deportment/demeanor was so different.


The Blue Avians started appearing to Corey in dreams at first,then later they materialized right in front of him.The first time they appeared,Corey was with his dog.The dog got behind Corey and started shaking!


There was an off-world meeting held where people could ask questions of a Blue Avian.One person asked,"Are you RA from the Law of One?"He answered,"I am RA Tier-Er."The Blue Avian was asked why RA liked Christians(the Law of One channel,Carla,was a devout Christian),and he said that Christians operated on faith,and that was something that the Blue Avians resonated with.

有一个外部世界的会议,在那里人们可以问一个蓝鸟的问题。一个人问:"你是来自一的法则的 RA ?"他回答说:"我是 RA Tier-Er"蓝鸟》被问到为什么 RA 喜欢基督徒(一号频道的卡拉是个虔诚的基督徒),他说基督徒是靠信仰运作的,而这正是蓝鸟所共鸣的。

…a group of 60 people had encounters with three off-worlders in Italy in the 1950's…the ET's called themselves'Friendship'.Those they contacted(their Earth-friends)would bring them a truck full of supplies(food and clothing,)and these ET's would portal-out the supplies from the truck.The contactees experienced many problems connected to how other people viewed their activities with these ET's,and some of the contactees developed egos over their relationship with the ET's…"



…this was not the end of the talk,but I had to tend to my animals, decided to finish watching/note-taking when the re-play went up…so far,I am not seeing that the replay is available yet…when it is,I'll re-post this in full with the remaining notes…I thought it would be fun to at least post a part of it




Livecast is(was)available here.I'm not sure if it's still available,but one can try.
Livestream Tickets may be purchased here.
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