Past Life Patterns – The Monk






This is the description of one of the 16 Past Life Patterns. These patterns were developed by Karen Downing, inorder to help you understand how past life experiences affect your life today.Each person carries 3 to 5 past life patterns in varying levels of influence.By understanding your unique mix of patterns, you can more easily build up yourstrengths and transform your challenges. Past life patterns are the key touncovering your Soul Mission.



这篇是16个前世模式之一的描述。这些模式是Karen Downing总结出来的,为了帮助你理解前世经历如何影响你今生的生活。每一个人都携带着3-5个前世模式,他们有不同程度的影响。通过理解你个人的独特的前世模式组合,你可以更容易地增强你的力量并转化你的挑战。前世模式是发现你的灵魂使命的关键。



The Monk Description – The Monkfeels uncomfortable with living in the material world. If it was possible forthem to forgo any connection to material goods and possessions, they would.This comes from many past lives where they lived sequestered away from the restof the world in a temple, house of worship, nunnery, or other type of religiousexistence. The Monk feels best about themselves when they are connecting withtheir belief system. However, because of their past life patterning, the Monkalso has a deep fear of angering God.





The Monk is very adept at meditation, prayer andconnecting with the Divine. This is more comfortable to them than connectingwith the outside world. The Monk may have more difficulties with technologythan the average person, and often will not have a TV in their home. If theycould live their life without having to use money, they would. Often the Monkis living a life in the now, because there are here to heal their feelingsabout the material world.




Some of the typical past life experiences of the Monkare: being a nun, priest, rabbi, monk, living in a religious/spiritual temple,or having a religious focused life. If you feel uncomfortable about thematerial world, have difficulties with violence and anger, or worry about how“good” you are, then you exhibit the Monk pattern. It is important to note thatthe Monk is not a gender specific term, and describes both male and femaleexperiences as listed above.


有一些典型的和尚的前世经历有:修女/尼姑、牧师、拉比 (译注:犹太宗教领袖,尤指有资格传授犹太教义,或精于犹太法典之犹太教堂主管)、和尚、生活在宗教寺庙里/灵性寺庙里、或者有一世专注于宗教的生活。如果你对物质世界感觉不舒服,很难接受暴力和愤怒,或者担心你有多“好”(完美),那么你展示了和尚模式。需要注意的是和尚不是一个性别特指的词汇,它描述上述列出的包括男性和女性的经历。


Expression of the Monk Pattern in Your Life Now –The Monk is at home in solitude and quiet. They are typically drawn to quietpeaceful activities that further develop their innate connection with the Divine.Much of the mental chatter that the Monk wrestles with focuses on if what theyare doing in life is good enough. Even though they feel so at home in theirconnection with Spirit, a part of them still worries about if they are doingall they can to be “spiritual” enough. Other people would identify the Monk asbeing insightful, calming, peaceful, wise and generally comforting to bearound.





If you express the Monk pattern, you will have toensure that you get out of your comfort zone and connect with others from timeto time. You will have to keep reminding yourself that you are here now toexperience life, not to observe it. Learn to switch your focus to “what can Iexperience today?”




There is nothing more upsetting to the Monk than towitness violence and anger. Whenever they have such an experience, it can staywith them for a very long time. One of the ways that the Monk can learn to copewith upsetting situations, is to remember that each person has a soul plan.When the Monk can look toward the Divine purpose of everything, it will beeasier to move beyond deep emotional scars that can be left being fromwitnessing such acts. The Monk would benefit from reminding themselves thatevery soul is living in accordance with their own life plan. For certain souls,they could have the experience of violence in their life to use as a catalystfor positive change. It is by remembering this, that the Monk can remainpeaceful even during difficult times. Extreme expressions of the Monk patterncan lead to isolationism and escapism.




There are two ways that the Monk theme reveals itself;The Nurturing Monk and the Authoritative Monk. If you resonate with The Monkpattern, you might discover that you can possess qualities of one, or evenboth, of the ways that The Monk is expressed. Often in one area of life you canfeel one way, and in another area of life feel another way.




The Nurturing Monk – TheNurturing Monk focuses on compassion, care and concern for others. This comesfrom a deeply held belief that putting others above oneself is more Godly. And,while there are certainly times when caring for a loved one is appropriate, theNurturing Monk can have a tendency to put more time and energy into caring forstrangers than for themselves. If you are someone who feels guilty about doingthings for yourself, or fears being judged as selfish, then you showcase thepast life pattern of the Nurturing Monk. The Nurturing Monk’s biggest lesson isto learn to balance the time and energy spent on others with the time andenergy they spend on themselves. The Nurturing Monk will eventually come to therealization that they cannot help others as much as they would like to whentheir own energy is taxed and drained.





The Authoritative Monk –The Authoritative Monk feels a need to share their quest for spirituality withothers. They can become an expert in a certain aspects of their personal beliefsystem, but they do have to watch for becoming too “preachy”, or that they donot allow for evolution in their own belief system over time. The AuthoritativeMonk also has a deep down fear of God or whatever Higher Power they believe in,and because they base their worthiness on the ability to please this HigherPower, they have to watch for the tendency to put stress and pressure on howthey showcase their belief system. If you are someone who worries aboutangering God, or needs to feel that you are consistently taking “right” action,then you showcase the past life pattern of the Authoritative Monk. TheAuthoritative Monk’s biggest lesson is to come to peace with who they are, andto not try to convince others how “good” or “holy” they are.





Past Life Pattern Breakdown:

Worries about angering God

Is uncomfortable with the material world

Enjoys quiet and solitude

Is deeply scarred by witnessing violence








Affirmation – “I amgood, and worthy of God’s love no matter what I do. There is nothing unGodlyabout utilizing modern tools such as money or technology.”





Learn more about how the Monk pattern is showingup in your life by enrolling in the On-Demand video course, ExploringPast Life Patterns.










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