



We are ALL. That is: all sentient life is one Consciousness that is infinitely aware and all-knowing in every moment. However, since the apparent separation occurred, those in human form have lost this awareness of the one Consciousness which is who they truly are in every moment of their existence. This is what separation is about – loss of knowing who you are. Every sentient being is permanently and inseparably connected to and one with Source, and no other state is remotely possible!


我们是一切。那就是:所有有情众生是同一个意识,时时刻刻有着无限的意识和全知。无论如何,因为表面上的分离发生,那些处于人类形态中的存在失去了合一的意识,也就是时时刻刻中他们存在的真正所是。这就是分离的所是 --- 不知道自己是谁。每个有情众生都是与源头永久相连与合一的,没有其它的状态是可能的!


All can access this knowing by allowing it into their awareness. Nothing else is required. However, part of experiencing the unreal state of separation involves focusing solely on your human form which carries a label, the name given to you by your parents when you were born, and believing this to be your true identity. This is not who you are! But, because you have been addressed by this label or name for as long as you can remember, it appears to be your true identity, and when people use it to address you, you have been conditioned to respond to it automatically.




By going within to meditate, relax, contemplate, or reflect – and, as you well know if you have been following these messages regularly, I keep on reminding you that you do need to do this daily – you quieten the endless flow of thoughts through your mind sufficiently to enable you to become aware of the space between thoughts, and therefore, aware that you are not your thoughts but that you are the awareness that is aware of those thoughts, and of your body, and of all the physical sensory perceptions with which your body provides you.


通过进入内在冥想、放松、沉思或反射 --- 如你知晓的,如果你定期地跟随着这些信息,我不断地提醒你,你需要每天都去做 --- 安静无休止的思想流能让你意识到思想之间的空间,从而,意识到你不是你的想法,而是意识到这些想法、你的身体、所有身体感知的意识。


When that awareness arises into your consciousness, as the distractions of the input with which your bodies constantly supply youare quietened, or even completely silenced, the vastness of who you truly are becomes strikingly apparent. When that first occurs it can be stunning! Or it may come about gently over a period of time, as you learn ever more effectively to release or not cling to the identity that your name – attached as a label to your human form – provides, in the misleading belief that it is the totality of who you are. Nothing could be further from the truth!


当这个意识上升到你的显意识中,你的身体不断供应的干扰变得安静,或完全沉默,你真正所是的浩瀚变得引人注目。当它第一次发生,它可以是令人震惊的!或者它会在一段时间内温柔地到来,随着你学习更有效地释放或不去紧抓你的名字(身份) --- 作为一个附加给你人类形态的标签 --- 提供了一个误导性的信念(这就是你所是的全部)。没什么比这更假的了!


Who you are contains all that exists, from the smallest particles to the multiverse. That obviously sounds impossible, but that is only because your perception of who you are is enormously limited. There is only One, Source, Mother/Father/God, and You are that! Source is creating from Itself, with Itself, like unto Itself, eternally. Creation is ongoing, unceasing, and, therefore, so are you. There is no separation, there is only the One. You all get intimations of this from time to time when you sense or intuit something that there is no way you could have known from the information available to you through your physical human form. That is Oneness at work, as It always is, with you having temporary awareness of It. You truly are far, far greater than anything of which you, as a human, severely limited by your human form, could possible conceive.




Your awakening, the collective awakening of humanity, is nothing but your return to full awareness of who you are, and, as such, it will be a mind-blowing experience that will dissolve all your doubts, fears, and suffering in an instant. Over the eons a few have enjoyed this experience and have reported on it to those who would listen, consequently there is a large amount of significantly pertinent information available to those who wish to know more, especially since modern communications technology has made so much information on myriad subjects easily accessible to all who choose to seek it out.




But of course reading about the experiences of others, while helpful and interesting, is rather like having the flavor of ice-cream described, because it is basically meaningless until you taste it for yourselves. You have to experience awakening for yourselves, individually. And that is a paradox because, as One, you are All. Nevertheless, the awakening will be experienced by each individual with each also being aware of and knowing the experience of All. Thus all will be in joy because all will know that all are awake.




At present you can have no idea of what to expect, apart from having been told that it will absolutely blow your minds. Therefore, let go of all expectations,because none of them will in anyway prepare you for the wonders that are about to envelop you. Fully conscious awareness of who you truly are will bring you infinite and eternal joy. That is the divine Will for you, it always has been, and it is also your will, therefore it is inevitable.




This awakening has been divinely planned since the moment that the thought of separation occurred, placing humanity into an unreal or dream-like state that has left it confused and fear-filled ever since. What you think of or consider your history is but a selection of memories of your ongoing dreams and nightmares which have convinced you of the reality of the state of separation that you are seemingly experiencing. This conviction or belief strongly encourages you to focus on it because, through your human bodies, you do experience physical sensations that can be pleasurable or painful, and because your human bodies are so vulnerable to illness and damage, you live with almost constant anxiety about adequately maintaining them due to their need for regular food and shelter. They are both a responsibility and a gift, and they demand inordinate amounts of your energy and attention to keep them operating smoothly and efficiently.


这个觉醒从分离的想法(让人类进入了一个不真实或梦境般的状态,让人类困惑和充满恐惧)发生的那一刻起就被神圣计划好了。你认为的历史只是你不间断梦境和噩梦的一个选择性的记忆,说服了你你看似在体验的分离状态是真实的。这个信念或信仰强烈地鼓励你去专注于它,因为,通过你的人类身体,你确实体验到了可以是愉快或者痛苦的身体感知,因为你的人类身体对疾病和伤害来说非常脆弱,你伴随着几乎恒常的焦虑生活 --- 关于必须要充分地维护自己的身体,出于对一日三餐和住所的需求。它们既是一种责任,也是一份礼物,它们要求你大量的能量和关注来让它们顺畅、有效地运行


Since the industrial revolution more and more humans have been given the opportunity to live with their basic survival needs easily available, giving them the time and the opportunity to contemplate the meaning of life. Not too many initially used this opportunity to their advantage, choosing instead to spend their lives seeking pleasure and satisfaction outside themselves, from others and from material things. This was unfortunate because you already had everything you needed within the energy field, the life force, the field of Love that ensures your eternal existence.




However, within the last few decades, more and more people have finally chosen to engage in contemplation about the meaning of life, and have communicated on the subject with other like-minded individuals. This started your awakening process, or rather, more powerfully strengthened your collective motivation and intent to awaken. The tipping point has been reached, and there are now enough people holding that intent, and holding the intent to be loving whatever arises, to ensure that your awakening process will rapidly come to completion, just as divinely planned. So, as you have been told a number of times already: CELEBRATE!




Celebrating intensifies your energy fields by flooding them with enthusiasm for life, and when you are filled with that enthusiasm it becomes increasingly difficult to remain asleep, unconscious, lost in the unreal world of dreams. Truly, humanity is awakening.




Your loving brother, Jesus.




通灵:John Smallman

翻译:Nick Chan







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