Greetings dearly beloved,




Today we, Ariel and Uriel, your sisters of Light, are both here to bring you wonderful news about what is in the works, waiting in the wings, for all of you reading this today.


今天,我们,艾利尔与乌列尔,你的光之姐妹花,一同前来带给你极好的消息 --- 关于什么正在进行,什么已经准备就绪,对于所有在今天阅读这则信息的人


As you may have already known, the theme of this new year 2019, is all about Expansion, Growth, Creativity and massive awakening of Soul Powers – it will be a powerful year of Manifestation and Transformation.


正如你可能已经知晓的, 2019 年的主题,是关于扩张、成长、创造性、灵魂力量的大量苏醒 --- 这会是强大的显化和转变的一年


The often-physically painful and emotional phase of clearing, purging and ‘healing’ all things 3D have now been successfully completed for the majority of light-workers across the planet. We now feel the need to clarify the term ‘light-workers’ to avoid any misunderstanding.


令人身体痛苦和情绪化的清理、净化、“疗愈”所有 3D 事物的阶段对世界各地的绝大多数光之工作者来说已经成功完结。现在我们感到有必要澄清“光之工作者”这个术语来避免任何的误解


Every living being (including those whom you had perhaps in the past considered to be completely devoid of Divine Love) belongs to the same faction. You, they, and all of us are, in our own way, serving the Kingdom of God. We are ONE, in every sense of the word. And by expansion, since we are all One, even those people who ‘seemingly’ belong within the Dark faction, are in fact also working for the Light – working for their own soul expansion and evolution. They too, can be called a light-worker.


每一个存在(包括那些你在过去认为完全缺乏神圣之爱的人)从属于同一个阵营。你,他们,我们所有人,在我们自己的方式中,服务着神的王国。我们是一体的。既然我们都是一,即使那些“看似”从属于黑暗阵营的人,事实上也在为光工作 --- 为了自己灵魂的扩张和进化工作。他们,也可以被称为光之工作者


Dark vs. light, lower-vibrational vs. higher-vibrational, positive vs. negative, the past vs. the future, Democrats vs. Republicans, Catholics vs. Muslims, the rich vs. the poor, the educated vs. the uneducated – the endless labels that humans use to perpetuate Separation; this long list continues. Humanity have been ‘playing’ these physical life-games on Earth for thousands of years, and by now, you have all truly mastered the art of extreme Separation, Duality and Polarization.


黑暗 VS 光明,低振动 VS 高振动,积极 VS 消极,过去 VS 未来,民主党 VS 共和党,天主教 VS 穆斯林,富有 VS 贫穷,受过教育 VS 没受过教育 --- 无止境的标签,人类用来延续分离;这个漫长的列表还可以继续。人类在地球上“玩耍”这些人生游戏上千年了,现在,你们确实都精通了极端分离、二元性和极化的艺术


However, for all intents and purposes, today we will be using the term, light-workers, to refer only to those: whose hearts are pure. They may not even know that such a term exists, however, the way they live their lives are already so caring, loving, and compassionate in every way.




And that is, in essence, what a light-worker is.




Someone who possesses a pure, loving desire to be of service to the world and God – in a way that suits his/her own innate abilities. He/she is likely to be a sensitive soul, whom people usually go to, for advice and assistance.


拥有一个纯净的、有爱的渴望去服务世界与神的人 --- 在符合他 / 她固有能力的方式中。他 / 她很可能是一个敏感的灵魂,人们通常会向他 / 她寻求建议和协助


If you are a light-worker who have chosen to be awakened earlier than the Human Collective, you, our beloved, are someone with an important mission/role to play especially within the next 20 years. You are here to show others what it means to be 5th dimensional.


如果你是一名选择比人类集体更早觉醒的光之工作者,你,我们深爱的人,有着一个重要的使命 / 角色要去扮演,尤其在接下来的 20 年里。你是来展示他人成为第五维度的人是什么意思


And that was probably your cue to then ask us this question, “Ariel & Uriel, we do not know how to be 5th dimensional. I have not yet recovered the memories my higher dimensional lifetimes, so where/how do I even begin?” Our answer is simple, loved ones.


这可以是给你的提示来询问我们这个问题,“艾利尔 & 乌列尔,我们不知道如何成为第五维度的人。我还没有恢复我更高维度生世的记忆,所以我该从哪 / 如何开始?”我们的答案很简单,亲爱的一们


Begin with yourself; begin with your life.




The best way to change the world, is NOT by changing others.




This principle has often been demonstrated throughout your many life experiences with the people around you, every day. Telling people what to do, criticizing them, nagging them, using sarcasm or any other negative behavior will only serve to ‘add extra fuel to the raging fire’.





For example, let’s say that Mrs. C is on a mission to get her husband to quit smoking. She has been nagging him for years; ‘lecturing’ him on the dangers; reminding him of the hefty financial burden his buying a month’s supply of cigarettes had created on their limited budget. Her lectures occurred quite regularly, until one day he finally ‘exploded’ and yelled to her ‘to leave him alone’.


比如,让我们说 C 夫人想要她的丈夫戒烟。她对他唠叨了很多年;“说教”他吸烟的危害。提醒他每个月花在香烟上面的钱对他们有限的预算造成了沉重的财务负担。她的说教经常发生,直到有一天,他终于“爆发”并大喊道“离我远点”


Do you see what has happened here? Mr. C has no WILL to change. Zero desire to change. Without the will to change, then well…, nothing will change. The cigarettes, no matter how bad they are, are currently satisfying Mr. C’s needs on some level.


你能看明白发生了什么吗? C 先生没有改变的意愿。改变的渴望是零。没有意愿去改变,那么 ... ,没什么会改变。香烟,无论多么地有害,当前在某种程度上满足了 C 先生的需求


All addictions are a form of emotional escape, from the root cause of the issue.




When people are Not ready to deal with the real reason as to why they keep doing/buying things that they ‘know’ (deep inside) are bad for them, then the problem will continue to persist.


当人们没有准备好去处理真正的原因,关于为什么他们不断地做着 / 购买他们“内在深处知道”对他们有害的东西,问题还是会继续存在


All true change must begin with oneself.




And, here comes the main point of our little story:




Emotional Integration is the ‘KEY’ to CHANGE.




We realize that light-workers around the world are at different stages of their spiritual awakening journey. However, the group of powerful light-workers who happened to be reading this particular energetic transmission (and yes, we know exactly who you are), most of you have completed your emotional integration process.




In other words, you have stopped running away from your emotions and have released the previously embedded toxicity within your emotional body. And because of that, you are now primed and ready to move on to the next phase of your evolution: to master your Mastery over life.




How do you become a master of Life when you have, seemingly, failed to master one or more aspects of your life, over and over again in this lifetime?




Let us tell you now dear friends, whatever is the greatest life challenge that you have right now, that challenge is THE biggest test; the final exam – lovingly prepared by your Higher Self, before you can successfully graduate.


让我们告诉你,亲爱的朋友们,无论你现在面对着什么样最大的人生挑战,这个挑战是最大的测试;期末考试 --- 由你更高的自我深情地准备,在你可以成功毕业前。


For some people it can be about the state of their health. For most light-workers, it is about their lack/scarcity consciousness. For others, it can be about love, forgiveness, loneliness or relationships.




Knowing this, how you react from now on, in the face of your biggest life challenges, is THE game-changer here.




You can choose to continue to focus on your problems, and react with fear, distress, anxiety, anger, depression, guilt, OR, you can choose to raise your awareness/perspective – i.e. SHIFT your inner programming, to match the programming ‘language’ that your Higher Self speaks in.


你可以选择继续专注于你的问题,伴随着恐惧、不幸、焦虑、愤怒、沮丧、内疚反应,或者,你可以选择提升你的意识 / 视角 --- 也就是,转变你的内在编程,来匹配你更高自我所说的编程“语言”


Your Higher Self speaks the language of Love – to Self, and to All.


你更高的自我述说爱的语言 --- 对自己,对一切


Your Higher Self speaks the language of Peace – for Self and for All.


你更高的自我述说平和的语言 --- 为自己,为一切


Your Higher Self speaks the language of Joy/Happiness – to Self and to All.


你更高的自我述说喜悦 / 幸福的语言 --- 对自己,对一切


Your Higher Self speaks the language of Wisdom & Power – to Self and to All.


你更高的自我述说智慧 & 力量的语言 --- 对自己,对一切


Your Higher Self speaks the language of Abundance – to Self and to All.


你更高的自我述说丰盛的语言 --- 对自己,对一切


The term ‘abundance’ that we use here, represents all the good things in life, e.g. perfect health, an immortal (non-decaying) physical body, plenty of money, great friendships, fulfilling career and relationships, fun life experiences, etc.




It is time, our brothers and sisters, to ‘speak’ the Language of your Higher Self – the Language of God.


是时候了,我们的兄弟姐妹们,去“述说”你更高自我的语言 --- 神的语言


God is supremely powerful. And by extension, that means, you too, are supremely powerful.




So why do you keep forgetting this, whenever you were faced with the final tests your Higher Selves have been sending you lately?




God is Love. This also means, that you too, are a Being of Divine Love.




So why do you (occasionally) behave so unlike your True, Most Loving Self?




God is Unlimited – and so are you.


神是无限制的 --- 所以你也是



So why do you keep limiting yourself to the 3D ‘language programming’ that can no longer function in this brand new, higher-dimensional arena/playground you have recently found yourself to be in?


那么你为什么要将自己局限于 3D 的“语言编程” --- 无法在这个全新的、更高维度的舞台 / 游乐场(你最近发现自己处于的)运行?


A few days ago, on January 30th, Adele had posted a message in her Raphael’s Healing Space Facebook page, to share the good news with everyone that she had sensed all heavier densities associated with life on a 3D planet, were well and truly gone.


几天前, 1 30 日,管道在脸书上发布了一篇信息,与所有人分享她感到所有沉重的密度(与 3D 地球上生活有关的)已经彻底离去的好消息。


Duality, Polarity, Separation are the scaffolding, the framework and the foundation of a lower-dimensional existence in a 3D Universe. And with these three now permanently gone from Planet Earth, this can only mean one thing.


二元性、极性、分离是 3D 宇宙中较低维度存在的脚手架、框架、基础。伴随着这三个元素已经永久地离开地球,这只能意味着一件事情


Humanity has recently crossed over another important milestone.




You, our beloved, are now truly living on 5D Earth as we speak. At the end of January 2019, humanity & Gaia had in fact, ‘jumped several timelines’ together. And what had prompted this to occur?


你,我们深爱的人,真的已经生活在 5D 地球上。在 2019 年的 1 月底,人类 & 盖亚事实上一起“跳跃了几个时间线”。什么促使了它的发生?


In the most recent conclave above Planet Earth, which many of you had attended in your sleep, the majority of you had expressed a strong desire for undeniable, visible changes to begin Now.




The ‘Old Souls’ physically embodied on-planet right now (i.e. the movers and shakers who are the true powers behind the story of New Earth’s Creation) had truly had enough of the old paradigm of Fear, Lack & Separation.


此刻物理体现于地球的“老灵魂”(也就是,新地球创造的背后拥有真正力量的有影响力的人物)确实已经受够了恐惧、缺乏 & 分离的旧范式


You wanted all necessary reforms to be fully expedited and although temporary chaos may ensue, you had all expressed unshakable confidence that you will all be able to go through those challenges with grace and ease. We truly have tremendous respect and admiration for all of you, our beloved.


你想要所有必要的改革全面开始,尽管暂时的混乱可能会接踵而至,你们都表达了坚定不移的信心 --- 你能够伴随着优雅与轻盈通过那些挑战。我们确实对你们所有人保有着巨大的尊重和钦佩


However, because of this, things may temporarily look as though they are getting worse instead of getting better – both on the micro and macro levels. It is important to keep in mind, that these are all happening BY DESIGN.


无论如何,正因如此,事物可能会暂时地看似好似它们在变糟,而不是变好 --- 在微观和宏观层面上。很重要去记住,这些都是被计划好的


As a Collective, you have deliberately chosen to intensify all 3D energetic remnants within yourselves, and within the psyche/consciousness of all embodied souls on Earth, to force you to choose a better way NOW.


作为一个集体,你们已经有意地选择加强内在(所有在地球上体现的灵魂心智 / 意识中)所有 3D 的残留物,来迫使你去选择一个更好的方式


This is to help you to permanently break free; to get yourselves out of the automated, 3D pattern-programming you have been using for thousands of years. You have been using the lower dimensional operating system of fear, lack and separation for eons.


这会帮助你永久地突破;让自己走出机械式、 3D 的模式 - 编程,你使用了上千年。你一直在使用恐惧、缺乏和分离的较低维度操作系统


The time has now arrived for you to re-set and re-program the super computer that is your life.




And the True Work must start WITHIN.




Your operating system must now be constantly speaking the programming language of God. Only when you have permanently attained a higher dimensional perspective (no matter what is happening around you), your life will begin to change in magical, wondrous ways.




With the eradication of lower densities and their frameworks of existence, speaking in the programming language of your Higher Self has never been easier. It has now become so natural. This ultimately means that your efforts, to align your frequencies to match that of your Higher Self’s, need not be as taxing as before. It will be perfectly simple, like riding a bike, after many years of not riding it. You may be out of practice, but it doesn’t mean you have to start learning from scratch.




You will soon find that your thoughts, words, feelings and actions now naturally gravitate towards ‘higher density’ instead of the opposite. This is because the scaffolding/framework that supports the opposite, is now permanently and completely gone. This natural movement towards ‘lighter, higher’ density thoughts/words/emotions can only be stopped by you. If you provide zero resistance to this natural ‘re-set’, to this re-programming process you are in the midst of doing, then you will soon find yourself be thinking, saying, feeling and acting like your Divine Higher Self.


你很快会发现你的想法、话语、感受和行为现在会自然被“更高的密度”吸引,而不是低密度。这是因为支持低密度的脚手架 / 框架,已经永远消失。这个自然的朝向“更轻,更高”密度的想法 / 话语 / 情绪的运动只能被你自己停止。如果你一点都不去抵抗这个自然的“重新设置”、这个你正在进行的重新编程进程,你就会很快发现自己像神圣更高自我那样思考、述说、感受和行为


This is 100% guaranteed.


这是 100% 确保的


So in other words, just ‘go with the flow’ and surrender to your natural inclinations to feel happy, to feel at peace, to be loving – and soon, your life will change to reflect this change coming from within.


所以,换句话说,去“顺其自然”,臣服于你自然的倾向 去感受喜悦、平和、有爱 --- 很快,你的生活会改变来反映出这个内在的改变


Our God is Supreme Creator of ALL THAT IS. And by extension, Creativity is the only way your Soul expresses itself. This year, now that you are very naturally, well on your way to perfect alignment with your God-Self, you will want to grow, expand and express your creativity, your unique contribution to New Earth in a big way. Some of you have already started. Those who haven’t, never worry, everything has been planned perfectly for you.




I, Archangel Ariel, am here to help open the ‘floodgates’ of your inner creative genius. Call upon me to help you release all unexplored areas of self-expression within yourself. I can assist you to broaden your way of thinking, expand your limits, and discover many of your hidden talents. It is time to unleash all your talents and display your Magnificence for all the world to see. And when you do this, without the energies of arrogance nor conceit, you give others the space, the courage and bravery to come out of their ‘shell’ and shine brightly as well!




Open yourselves up to all ideas, and always say ‘YES’ to everything that life offers you – only when your inner guidance is in perfect agreement! Your feelings are the inbuilt, powerful inner GPS; the barometer of your Truth that must always be used, to pave the path to your Graduation Party!


向所有想法敞开,总是对生活提供给你的一切说“ yes”--- 只在你内在指引完美同意的情况下。你的感受是内置的、强大的 GPS ;你真理的气压计,必须总是被使用,来铺就通往你毕业晚会的道路!


And I, Archangel Uriel, am always ready to happily assist all souls who call upon me. I will help to provide free-flowing channel of information and inspiration relevant to your individualized mission/role on New Earth. The next stepping stone, and the next, and the next will continue to be revealed, one by one, and because of this, you will feel so blissfully content; joyfully swimming in the river flow of your creations.


我,大天使乌列尔,总是准备着来高兴地协助所有呼唤我的灵魂。我会帮助提供通畅的信息、灵感管道 --- 与你在新地球上的个性化使命 / 角色有关的。下一个垫脚石,然后再下一个,再下一个,会继续被揭示,一个接一个,因此,你会感到幸福的满足感。快乐地在你创造的河流中游泳。


Today’s third card, the Cornucopia, is our gift to you. Father/Mother God, Creator of ALL THAT IS, has now bestowed upon you this horn-shaped, glowing basket of Light that is filled with all the things you have ever desired to have/experience on Planet Earth. The cornucopia is an ancient symbol of Abundant Harvest and Great Blessings. In the olden days, when someone receives a cornucopia, it is a sign that all their hard work is about to pay off in significant ways.


今天的第三张卡,聚宝盆,是我们给予你的礼物。父神、母神、一切万有造物主,已经授予你这个号角形状的、发光发热的光之篮筐 --- 装满了你渴望在地球上拥有 / 体验的一切。聚宝盆是古时丰饶和巨大祝福的象征。在古时,当某个人收到一个聚宝盆,这是一个迹象,他的辛苦工作就要在辉煌的方式中收获回报




We would like to invite all of you to now close your eyes, and imagine your Higher Self, and spirit team are standing around you. Father and Mother God are both stepping forward, to get closer to you. They smiled, and handed over this beautiful, glowing gift whilst at the same time saying,




With this gift, We are now giving you all that which you have long desired. Your wishes, beloved children, are now fulfilled. Go and start creating all that your heart dearly desires to do, as this process is the key that opens the gates of: Unlimited Freedom. The freedom to be God; the freedom with your time to do as you wish; the financial freedom many of you have long been seeking for. You deserve this, loved ones. The hard part is already over, and it is time to celebrate! We are loving you beyond measure”.




All in the Company of HEAVEN –




通灵:Adele Arini

翻译:Nick Chan



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