



[The sannyasin in charge of the ashram canteens, with a reputation as a fiery zen mistress, has been called to see Osho.]


[ 负责社区食堂的门徒名声不好,大家叫她暴躁的女霸王。她被唤来见奥修。 ]




A few things.... I am happy with your work but a few things are to be fixed. And before we move to the new [commune] you have to fix them, because then things will be too big and it will become more and more difficult. Here it is manageable, so you manage. And your responsibility is great.




The first thing is that you change your behaviour with people. Become more loving. You are loving (chuckling) but your language is not! Your language is still Italian! (laughter) Others are not Italian so they don’t understand. So drop all foul words. It will be difficult, but one has to do these things.




Learn a few loving words, mm? And in these two, three months that we are here you have to change completely.




The second thing: take more care of the (ashramites’) canteen. You are more in Vrindavan; the canteen is a little bit neglected. So you have to take care. Otherwise what will you do? Sooner or later there will be five thousand people and if you cannot manage a small family then that big family will be difficult. So pay a little more attention to the canteen.


第二件事:多照顾食堂。你更多的是呆在在 Vrindavan (注:印度一城市),食堂有点被忽略了。所以你必须照顾好食堂。否则你要做什么?我们迟早会有 5000 人,如果小家庭你都管不好,大家庭就更难了。所以多留意一下食堂。


Look after peoples’ needs, even the small things, because this is their home; they should not feel that they cannot have small things. Mm? if they want a little more sugar, allow them.




They should feel at home, otherwise it feels that they are constantly afraid. Don’t make them afraid. You are there to serve these people, you are not to dominate them. You have to mother them; completely forget the idea of dominating.




The idea of dominating arises out of an inferiority complex; people dominate because they are afraid, they are not certain about themselves. But there is no need to be uncertain here; you can be absolutely certain. There is no need to be afraid, so there is no need to be defensive and powerful – one can be humble. Always remember: the person who is not humble is not yet certain about himself.




There is a very famous Eastern story.... A blind man is sitting under a tree. A king comes, he touches the feet of the blind man and says, ’Sir, where is the way to the capital?’ Then the prime minister of the king comes, and without touching his feet he says, ’Mister, where is the way to the capital?’




Then comes an orderly. He hits the head of the old blind man and says, ’You fool, where is the way to the capital?’ The king’s party had lost its way.




When they had all gone the blind man started laughing. Somebody else was sitting by the side and he asked, ’Why are you laughing?’




The blind man said, ’Look, the first man must have been a king, the second man must have been the prime minister and the third was a poor constable.’




The man was puzzled; he said, ’How could you know? You are blind.’ The blind man said, ’Just by their behaviour.... The king was so certain of his superiority that he could touch my feet. The orderly was feeling so inferior that he had to hit me. He must be in a poor situation.’




And this always happens. Your power is absolute: you can be humble. You can even touch the feet of the people who take food in the canteen and in Vrindavan. There is no need to dominate, there is no need at all!


这种事时常发生。你的权力是绝对的:你可以保持谦逊。你甚至可以跪下来触摸 Vrindavan 和来食堂打饭的人的双脚。没必要掌控,根本没必要!


So the first thing: change your language. The second thing: take more care of people, be more loving, because we are going to create a really loving family.




You are my people through whom I have to work. I cannot come and take care of their food, so you represent me there. Remember that you represent me, so don’t do anything that will not fit with me.




Remember in Vrindavan also, that the only responsibility on you is to take care so that you can feed the canteen; more income is not needed, there should be no profit motive in it. Just this much is enough, that you can look after the ashram people; the inmates can be fed perfectly well, that’s enough, more is not needed.


记住在 Vrindavan 也是,你唯一的责任就是照顾别人,好让你能维持好食堂;不需要有更多收入,你不应该有利润动机。这些收入足够了,只要你能照顾好社区里的人,人们能吃的很好,那就足够了,不需要更多。


And whatsoever you need in the new place the ashram will supply; don’t be worried about it. You are too worried about it. It will be supplied, you will get everything that you need. So you need not be too concerned with profit, because Vrindavan is also run for sannyasins.


在新地方无论你需要什么,社区都会提供给你,这一点不用担心。你太担心这件事了。东西会提供给你,你会得到你需要的一切。所以你不需要太过担心利润,因为 Vrindavan 也是为门徒运营的。


Service should be the motive, not profit, nobody should feel that there is any profit motive anywhere. I know that you don’t have that motive for yourself, but you plan that these things should be there and that should be there.... All will be coming!




Just go on trusting – everything happens! Whenever the need arises, it is fulfilled. When we started there were only five, ten people here. As the number of people grow, their needs will be fulfilled; don’t be worried about that. Nobody has to worry around me. Live very relaxedly.


继续信任——一切都会发生!无论什么需要出现,它都会被满足。一开始我们这里只有 5-10 个人。随着人数增加,他们的需要也会被满足,别担心这一点。




And you have to listen: if [the people in the office] something to say, you start listening to them; don’t argue. Explain, but there is no need to argue.




These few things.... Right?




译自:OSHO Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast




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