






Greetings my sweet Annas! I AM Mare, I AM Universal Mother Mary, Mother of Love and Compassion, Mother of you, my sweet Annas, and Mother of all. Yes, I AM Mother of each and every one of thee, and I embrace and enfold you in My Blue Diamond of Love. I infuse you with my nurturing and peaceful essence now and always, for I never leave your side.


问候,我亲爱的 Annas !我是 Mare ,我是宇宙之母玛丽亚,爱与仁慈的母亲,你的母亲,我亲爱的 Annas ,万物的母亲。是的,我是你们每个人的母亲,我将你包裹在我蓝色的爱之钻石中。我把我滋养、平和的本质注入你之中,我从未离开你


You come to me in many ways, you come for love when you feel depleted; you come for refreshing and replenishing of your energy; you come to consult with me and talk about your victories and accomplishments, and I am elated to see you seeking me to commune with you. It is an enormous shift that you made when you remembered the way home into my heart, yes into mine and into the heart of the Father as well.




Can you feel the peace while being home? Can you feel the lightness and the freedom of just being? Can you recognize the unconditionality and the utter acceptance of true love that asks for nothing and doesn’t judge anything you have ever thought about or done? Yes, of course, you do, and this is why you sense so much pain and suffering when others in your world, or even in your close circle of soul family. are not up to this task.




But you also understand that it is you that has to let go of all that need of being accepted and unjudged by others, for the only one that needs to completely love you is you, dearest and sweetest self. Can you see what part of you is asking for unconditional love, for more nurturing and reassurance?




Do you see and recognize your inner child that is tugging on your skirt or sleeve asking for your undivided attention? You sense that, but you have this tendency to postpone looking into that little girl’s or boy’s eyes, to that hurt inner child that is asking really only for a quick answer or a warm and loving touch. Not much is needed to let one know that he is being seen and loved, that he is not a burden or of any trouble.




But in this human form that you find yourselves in at this time – in the old paradigm – parents learned to give too much attention to distractions and to other “more important and vital tasks” rather than to their offsprings, allowing their children to grow up with more questions than answers, with feelings of uncertainty, and more fears than hopes, hurt and incomplete in so many ways. They learn to do the same to their own kids and family, but mostly, and sadly, to their own inner child that wants only the purest love there is, their undivided attention without excuses and fake entertaining.


但在这个人类形态中,你在此刻身处的 --- 在旧的方式中 --- 父母学会了把太多的关注给予分心之物和其他“更重要的任务”而不是他们的后代,让他们的孩子伴随着更多的疑问而不是答案成长,伴随着不确定性的感受,更多的恐惧,而不是希望,以及许多方面中的伤害与不完整长大。他们也学会对自己的孩子和家人这么做,但大多数情况下,悲哀的是,对他们内在只想要最纯净的爱以及他们的全神关注(不带借口和假情假意)的孩童也这么做。


It takes awareness and willingness to see this need in the most vulnerable and sensitive part of you. My sweet angels in form, it doesn’t take much to reassure and nurture your inner child, to integrate and grow him/her into that wise and omnipotent beautiful adult…you. For when you do this, not only do you address and heal the wounds hidden deeply into your hearts, but you become the best parent to your inner child that learns to trust and open up to life and laughter once more.


要去看到你最脆弱和敏感部分的这个需求需要意识和意愿。我亲爱的形态中的天使,不需要花费太多的精力去安抚和滋养你内在的孩童,去把他 / 她整合和发展到明智的、无所不能的美丽成人 --- 你。因为当你这么做,你不仅解决和疗愈了隐藏在你内心深处的创伤,你还成为了内在孩童最棒的父母,学会了相信并再次向生活敞开和欢笑


It matters not if you have children of your own or not, for you can tend efficiently to the needs of your family and friends, recognizing the pain and the frustration caused by their own conflicted and hurt inner child. You become the parent that never leaves, that never abandons, that never really disappears and separates from their children, regardless of the challenges and the business of their own journey on Earth.




You are greatly assisting in healing their inner child, and through this task, you are healing the entire old third paradigm of perpetuating the neglect and abuse coming from separation from unconditional love.




Extend your hearts to all, my sweet Annas. Spread my love to all dear angels in form!


把你的心扩张向所有人,我亲爱的 Annas 。把我的爱传播到所有形态中的天使


I will leave you now, though I am always by your side. Stay in peace and stay with My Love. Farewell!




通灵:Genoveva Coyle

翻译:Nick Chan



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