


Dear Beautiful Souls!




Mercury has stationed direct as of today! Whoo hoo! Any lagging behind, delays or technical malfunctions that plagued you over the past 3 weeks are over! Now we begin to pick up speed and momentum in moving forward with plans, visions, dreams and the welcomed energy of the Full Moon in Pisces right around the corner!


水星逆行在今天结束!哇呜!在过去 3 周折磨你的退步、延迟或技术故障结束了!现在我们会开始对计划、愿景和梦想的推动加快脚步和势头,并欢迎就在拐角处的双鱼座满月的能量!



Full Moon in Pisces August 26th


8 26 日双鱼座的满月


The Piscean energy brings with it a dreaminess, a floatiness and an a feeling of almost like living outside of yourself looking in feeling. Like, is this me? Is this my life? Pisces are known for their natural psychic senses and powerful intuition that guides them daily. This means with the Pisces Full Moon this will increase for everyone else as well. Your psychic senses may be kicking into high gear with visions, seeing animal spirits sprinting through your house playing in joy! I’ve noticed over the past week this has escalated for me, possibly you’ve noticed it too. Certain number sequences are grabbing your attention too for a cosmic message.




With all of the 11:11 energies that came through in July, you may notice your wildest dreams are manifesting right in front of your eyes right now. The abundance flood gates have opened for all! If you are in alignment, you will reap the rewards of your focused set intentions, your positive outlook and the plans you have set in motion over the eclipse season. The hard inner work you dove into then, now pays off!


伴随着 7 月所有的 11:11 能量,你可能注意到你最狂野的梦想此刻就在你的眼前显化。丰盛的大门已为所有人开启!如果你处于对齐,你会收获你专注的意图、你积极的态度和启动的计划(在日月食季节期间)的回报。你所做的艰苦内在工作,现在得到回报!


This full moon in Pisces will affect every sign in the zodiac in a positive way as this energy just flows with the cosmic vibe. For Pisces who are used to this energy on a daily basis in their dreamy state of floating in and out this dimemsional timeline and others, this full moon may enhance the energy Pisceans are used to. It may make Pisces a little cranky as the energy can be too much at times with the power of the full moon amplifying their sign. If you know a Pisces in your life, or you are a Pisces you may feel like retreating through this full moon so you aren’t feeling so over stimulated. A good way to channel this energy is creatively. Create to your heart’s content! By focusing your energy on the positive and creating from the heart, you will be surprised at the masterpiece you might come up with!




Over the past 2 weeks Astral work has amped up! You may wake a bit exhausted from working so hard in the Astral and etheric realms collapsing old timelines and anchoring new ones in. Some, including myself have experiencef some weird anomalies during Astral. I experienced sleep paralysis during Astral travel in another dimensional timeline. By being aware of what was occuring within this realm, I was able to win this battle which happened to involve my mother in this alternate timeline (parallel universe). When this occurs that alternate timeline collapses and is no longer a viable option to be anchored in. A great deal of karma is cleared through these etheric experiences, which clears the way for further growth and evolution in the light body ascension process.




You can expect your psychic senses and your intution to increase over the next couple of weeks. Through this energy things that were previously hidden now are brought to light. Any untruths or that which was bathed in illusion becomes clear and truths are revealed. This will aid you on closing the doors that no longer serve your higher purpose and allow new doors to open that will be an asset to your journey and path.




You can see this occuring on a grander scale right now with the scandalous news breaking of Priests within the Catholic Church being brought forth on allegations of child molestation charges in Pennsylvania. You will continue to see the darkness brought to light through the last 1/2 of 2018 in the public main stream news media outlets as well as other news outlets.


你可以看到这正在更大的规模中发生,伴随着可耻的突发新闻,报道天主教的牧师被指控性亲儿童(宾夕法尼亚州)。你会继续看到主流媒体以及其他新闻媒体中黑暗的曝光(在 2018 的后半段)


As always, by embracing the energies that we are given through different cosmic shifts and knowing what to expect, we can go with the flow and emerge better for it through the other side! This particular full moon brings with it a good vibe, a light vibe and an enhancement to the psychic senses and intution. Follow your gut and let it lead the way! Create to your heart’s content and see what you’re shown through your psychic senses. This energy will allow you to further perfect your metaphysical gifts and abilities by practicing and sharing.




Sending much love to you on your continued journey.




Tiffany Stiles


翻译:Nick Chan




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