



I am Sananda and I am happy and grateful to be here with you today.The dawn on Earth is getting brighter and brighter. A new day can be seen on the horizon. Hold on to your positions dear children on Earth. The Light is anchored and stronger light particles are gaining hold on Earth and in your hearts. The air is vibrating from a higher energy that has not been here for thousands of years. It is a spiritual energy that awakens your higher consciousness –A higher consciousness of light and love.


我是萨南达,我很高兴能够在今天前来。地球上的黎明正变得越来越亮。新的一天可以在地平线上看到。坚持住,亲爱的孩子们。光已经锚定,更强的光之粒子已经掌控地球和你的心。空气正振动出上千年来没有出现过的更高能量。它是唤醒你更高意识的精神能量 --- 更高的爱与光意识


Your spiritual awakening has long been a step forward in the evolution that many have worked and struggled for. Finally, the hour is now here and with our Father/Mother’s great light and love we have been able to start this grand transformation process. Many lightworkers were also needed that could anchor the light on Earth. These light bearers are you dear children. You have anchored the light on Earth so that a whole new planet with all its creations can ascend into a higher space or dimension. This has the effect that the consciousness now can change within many people. The higher light energy transforms and transmutes your consciousness and you can feel it in your bodies. When you sit still and focus on your bodies you can feel a movement within you. It is similar to a wave that undulates back and forth. It is the higher lighter energy that is starting to take hold in your bodies. You who can feel this are anchors of light –An anchor for Mother Earth and for the whole of humanity that you belong to.


你的精神觉醒早已是许多人致力于和奋斗于的进化中的一大步。终于,时间到了,伴随着我们父亲 / 母亲伟大的爱与光,我们能够开始这个宏伟的转变进程。许多的光之工作者被需要来锚定地球上的光。这些光之承载者就是你,亲爱的孩子们。你在锚定地球上的光,这样一个全新的星球,伴随着它所有的造物,可以扬升到更高的空间或维度。这让许多人的意识可以开始改变。更高的光之能量转变和转化你的意识,你可以在身体中感受到它。当你静坐,专注于你的身体,你可以感到内在的一个运动。它类似于一个来来去去的波浪。这是更高,更轻盈的能量在开始占据你的身体。你,可以感到这些的人,是光的锚定者 --- 对地球母亲和集体人类来说的锚


This light is also healing –A healing process has started in your bodies.The healing process can vary depending on how stuck things are in your body and how conscious you are. Sometimes feelings of worry can also appear, since the higher energy also wakes up old worries and sorrows that are stuck in the body. Yesterday’s rubbish you can just toss dear children. You already have these experiences and you do not need to start all over again. Tell you body that this is old and no longer valid as now the new is at the door. Even if your experiences today would give you trouble do not let it remain in your body, but dissolve here and now. Understand that you the ability to dissolve everything, but if you cannot dissolve it give it to the universe and then let it go. Trust that it will be taken care of in the best possible way and that the solution is simpler than you think. You have many helpers so just listen within and you will find the solution there.


这个光也是疗愈 --- 在你身体中开始的一个疗愈过程。疗愈的过程可以是非常依赖于事物在你身体中受困的程度以及你的意识水平。有时候担忧的感受也会出现,因为更高的能量也在唤醒困于身体中的旧的担忧与悲伤。昨天的垃圾可以扔掉了,亲爱的孩子们。你已经拥有了这些体验,你不需要从头再来。告诉你的身体这是旧的,不再有效,因为新的就在门口。即使你今天的体验给予了你烦恼,不要让它留在你的身体中,而是现在就溶解它。明白你有能力去溶解一切,但如果你无法溶解它,把它交给宇宙,然后放下它。相信它会在最好的方式中被照料,解决方案比你想象的还要简单。你有着许多的帮手,所以聆听内在,你会在那找到解决方案


Yes, the time is now dear children for Earth to be lifted up into a higher space of love and light. The same is true for your human collective. You find yourselves in a new dawn where the sun’s first rays shine on your world. It is beautiful to see and it is with much warmth and love we see how your world is being born again. She has grown a bit our dear Earth. She has grown and occupies now a larger space in space than she did before. You have also grown dear children on Earth. You are bigger and stronger in your consciousness and spirit. You have become a race to be looked up to in the Universe. It is wonderful to be with you here today and to be part of this ascension –your ascension from darkness to light. It is a special time for Earth and a special time for humanity and for everything living that is on Earth today. It is a time of transformation that you are entering –a transformative time of change. These changes will take place simultaneously on an inner plan as well on an outer plane.


是的,时间就是现在,亲爱的孩子们,让地球提升到更高的爱与光空间。人类集体也是一样。你发现自己处于一个新的黎明,太阳的第一道光线照耀到你的世界上。它是很美的,它伴随着大量的温暖和爱,我们看到你的世界再次重生。她又成长了一点,我们亲爱的地球。她已经成长并占据了太空中一个更大的空间,比起之前。你也成长了,亲爱的孩子们。你在意识和精神中更大巨大和强大。你们已经成为宇宙中值得被学习的榜样。今天能和你在一起,能成为这个扬升的一部分真的棒极了 --- 你从黑暗到光的扬升。这对地球,人类和生活在地球上的一切来说是一个特殊的时间。你正在进入一个转变的时刻 --- 一个革命性的转变时刻。这些改变会同时在内在以及外在平面发生


Be in your heart dear children on Earth.Be in your heart and go with the flow. There is a strong flow of light on Earth today and it makes your journey easier if you can follow the winds that are blowing over Earth. These are winds that bring high energy. They blow in and open up your hearts to higher consciousness and are shaken up and are encouraged to waking up to their own uniqueness. You have everything within you dear children. Have trust in yourselves and what is happening in the world. Only your heart can show you the way to light and love. Follow it and we will meet at the portal of love.




Much love,




Jesus Sananda




萨南达 20180425 我们会在爱的大门前相遇

通灵:Ann Dahlberg

翻译:Nick Chan


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