



I am Father/Mother God from all that is. I am with you in all that you undertake, dear children on Earth.




I am with you when the wind is whispering in your ear.




I am with you when the sun shines on your bodies.




I am with you when the water is cooling your bodies.




I am with you among plants and trees.




I am with you wherever you travel. Your experiences are my experiences, but I put no judgment on them. They are just there as an energy that comes and goes. They are there as the cool breeze that touches your face, to then fly off and away. Everything that has been created is equally valuable to me. Everything is created from love from a pure and high energy and it is indestructible. The foundation of this energy is always pure and clean. Nothing can destroy its original form. You are all created from this high energy and then you have chosen which expressions that you have wanted to try out and which creations that you have wanted to do. You have tried the light energies as well as the dark. You have closed off the light to source in order to understand the difficulties in duality to live in fear and loneliness. You have also opened the light to source in order to let in more light and come back to the unit that you once left. You have all the time have had an indestructible diamond within you – a diamond that has just rested and waited to again be found.


我与你在一起,无论你前往哪里旅行。你的体验就是我的体验,但我不会评判它们。它们在那作为来来去去的能量。它们在那作为凉爽的微风触摸你的脸颊,然后飞离。被创造的一切对我来说都是同样重要的。从爱中,一个纯粹的高度的能量中创造的一切都是坚不可摧的。这个能量的基础总是纯净的,干净的。没什么可以破坏它最初的形式。你们都是被这个高度的能量所创造的,然后你选择你想要尝试的表达,你想要去做的创造。你尝试了光的能量以及黑暗的能量。你关闭了源头的光,为了了解二元性中的困难,去生活于恐惧和孤独。你也打开了源头的光,为了让更多的光进入,返回你曾经离开的单元。在内在你总是持有着坚不可摧的钻石 --- 休息着,等待着被再次发现的钻石


Many diamonds are shining on Earth today, as there are many people who have searched for its treasure and found the path to their own diamond. They have started to cut and polish it so that it will shine a bit extra. In the light from the sun your diamonds shine brightly a good distance outside of your body. People can feel the radiance and have started to polish a bit extra on their own diamond. Mother Earth’s own diamond is now radiating beautifully in the sunshine and she is met by singing and shouts of joy. There are many who have waited for you to discover your diamond dear children on Earth – the light loving energy that leads you home. I help you now to find and polish your diamonds dear children. You are so longed for and loved that you have hordes of beings who are doing all they can so that you will understand that you always have been part of light and love – it has always been within you. You have just closed it up so that it has not been able to radiate its wisdom and love. My love is eternal and it has always been with you. My door is always open and it is only love that can radiate out through it. Everything that is created is created out of love and everything created will also return to love. There is nothing else. Fundamentally, there is only love and this you will also understand when you open yourselves up for love and let your own portal be wide open.


许多的钻石今天在地球上闪耀,因为有着许多人在搜寻自己的宝藏,发现了通往他们钻石的道路。他们开始切割并打磨它,这样它会更加地耀眼。在太阳的光线中,你的钻石能闪耀到离你身体很远的地方。人们可以感到光辉,开始打磨自己的钻石。地球母亲的钻石正美丽地在阳光下闪耀,她歌唱着,欢呼着。有着许多人等待着你去发现自己的钻石,亲爱的孩子们 --- 光与爱的能量在引领你回家。我会帮你找到并打磨你的钻石。你是如此地被渴望和被爱着,你有着成群的存在帮助着你,这样你就能明白你总是爱与光的一部分 --- 它总是在你之内。你只是关闭了它,这样它无法辐射它的智慧和爱。我的爱是永恒的,它总是与你同在。我的大门总是敞开着,只有爱可以通过它散发出来。被创造的一切都是由爱创造,被创造的一切也会返回爱。没有别的东西。从根本上来说,只有爱,这你也会明白,当你向爱敞开,让你的门户大开


It is the winds of love that are blowing on Earth. They blow away all that does not belong to love. The power of love is great, much greater than you ever in your little world can understand and experience. The power of love is holding together the whole universe and there are songs of praise for its light and warm energy. When it is written that love can move mountains it is so true, dear children. It can move mountains and brake chains. Right now you and Earth are in the process of breaking free from the chains that has kept you imprisoned for so many years. An era has ended and a new one has entered. We will once again see our Mother Earth bathing in light. The same is true for you dear humanity and your fellow beings on Earth. The universe is now celebrating how yet one more solar system has chosen to return to its own light. I, your Father/Mother God, cannot with words sufficiently express the love and gratitude that I feel for you the children of light – when you are now returning home after having tested your wings.


爱之风正在地球上吹起。它们吹走所有并不属于爱的东西。爱的力量是伟大的,比起你可以在你小小的世界所能理解和体验的更加巨大。爱的力量组成了整个宇宙,有着许多歌曲赞颂着它的光和温暖的能量。当它书写爱可以移动山脉,这是真的,亲爱的孩子们。它可以移动山脉,打破枷锁。现在你和地球正处于打破枷锁的进程 --- 囚禁你们许多年了。一个时代已经结束,新的时代已经到来。我们会再次看到我们的地球母亲沐浴在光中。你也是这样,亲爱的人类。宇宙正在庆祝又有一个太阳系选择了返回自己的光,我,你的父母神,无法用言语充分地表达我为你感到的爱和感激,光的孩子们 --- 在你测试了自己的翅膀后正返回家


I love you, has always done so, and will always love you. This is the way it is and this is the way it will stay. There is nothing in the universe that can change my love for you. It was, is and always will be the same.




Lovingly,Father/Mother God




父母神 20180329 钻石之光

通灵:Ann Dahlberg

翻译:Nick Chan




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