

大角星人指导(Part 7): (下)多维度生活20130129   灵魂能量团的‘合一’与‘个体’

Suzanne Lie: Transmissions From The Arcturian Mothership Living Multiple Realities, Part 7

Posted by Andrew Eardley on January 30, 2013  /  Comments Off

Category: Ascension  Tags: Mytre from Ashtar Command,Mytria from Alcyone, Suzanne Lie, The Arcturians

Transmissions From The Arcturian Mothership Living Multiple Realities, Part 7Multiple Realities 7 Swirling Patterns of Light

By Suzanne Lie January 29, 2013

中文翻译: 林琚月 20130130




The physical core that you will wear on the Ascending worlds, as well as the lower fifth dimensional form that you wear on the Ship, are both within your Lightbody. Hence, you can store them there to wear whenever you need them. Furthermore, soon you will be storing your Lightbody within your swirling pattern of light. Thus, your many frequencies of SELF are stored within your swirling energy patterns, which is infinitely stored within the ONE.

“你在‘扬升中的世界里’ ( : 地球与昴宿星球 ) 所穿着的’物质核心体’ , 以及你们穿在母舰的‘第五维度的低点’的‘形式’ --- 两者都存在你们的‘光体’之中 .--- 因此 , 你们可以把它们储存在那里 --- 需要时再拿出来 .--- 除此之外 , 很快的 --- 你们也会开始将你们的‘光体’储存在你们‘本我的能量团’之中 .--- 所以 , 你们的许多频率的‘自我’都被储存在你们的‘能量团本我’之中 --- 而这‘能量团本我’又是永恒的被储存在“合一”当中 !




We, the multidimensional beings of the Mothership, discovered that if we did not step-down the frequency of our resonance and wear a form, many of our visitors could not relate to us. Hence, we have learned to read the expectation of our visitors, and create an image that would be comforting to them. You and Mytre have escalated your frequency more than you realize. Hence, you will have to remember to create images of yourselves, and/or your Joint Image of fully merged Divine Complements, to which the Ascending Ones relate.

“我们 --- 母舰上的‘多维度存有’发现 --- 如果我们不下调我们的共鸣频率而穿着一个‘形体’的话 --- 我们很多访根本无法与我们感应互动 .--- 所以我们已经学会了阅读我们访客的期望 ,--- 并创造一个让他们觉得舒服的‘影像’ . 你和 Mytre 已经提升了你们的频率超越你们自己所意识到的 . 因此 , 从此以后 --- 你们将必须记得去创造自己的影像 , 以及你们完全融合的 --- ‘神圣另一半’的‘共同影像’ --- 这样‘扬升中的一们’才能与你们感应互动 .


We will now guide you through an exercise by first being your example. You are accustomed to perceiving us in our Lightbody form, which has a semblance of a humanoid form. Watch now as we release that illusion and present our true form…”

“我们现在带你们做一个练习 --- 我们先做个例子给你们看 ,--- 你们已经很习惯理解我们在我们的‘光体’里 --- 这是一个类似人类的形式 .--- 现在仔细看我们释放那个幻觉并呈现我们真实的样子…”


Mytria and I watched in wonder while the illusion of the Arcturian humanoid form began to unravel into an ever-expanding vortex of light. At first the vortex was only a bit larger than the former form, but it increasingly grew larger and larger. Before we could realize it, Mytria and I were completely encompassed by the Arcturians swirling pattern of light.

Mytria 和我充满惊讶的看着 --- 当‘大角星人’的‘人形幻象’逐渐散开 --- 变成是一团不断扩大的光漩涡 .--- 刚开始 --- 这漩涡只有比原来的人形大一些 --- 但祂一直不断变大更大 --- 在我们能搞清楚状况前 ---Mytria 和我已经完全被‘大角星人’的‘光漩涡’所吞噬了 .[ 被包在其中了 ]




It is difficult, if not impossible, to convey the sensation of being inside of the Arcturian. I once had that experience while the Arcturian wore its Lightbody. However, even though Its Lightbody was of such a high frequency that it took my breath away, that experience was mild compared to this one.

这经验很难描述 --- 几乎无法形容 --- 来说明在‘大角星人’的‘光漩涡’中的感觉 .--- 我曾有一次经验是当‘大角星人’穿着祂的‘光体’的时候 .--- 但是 , 即使祂的‘光体’的频率已经如此之高 --- 让我几乎无法呼吸了 --- 那经验跟这次比较起来根本算是轻的了 !




Mytria and I instinctively held hands to double our grounding force, as well as to assist each other to remain conscious. This energy field was so very high that we were concerned that it would short-circuit our neural patterns. Fortunately, with that thought, the Arcturian lowered Its resonance just enough so that what was beginning to feel like we were disarticulating, slowly took on a feeling of unconditional love and total bliss.

Mytria 和我很直觉的牵起了手来倍增我们的稳定力量 --- 同时也协助彼此保持清醒 . 这能量场是如此之强 --- 我们都担心自以己的神经中枢的能量场会不会短路 .--- 幸运的是 --- 我们一这样想 --- ‘大角星人’马上降低了祂的共鸣频率来足够让我们感受到我们被放松了下来 , 慢慢的 --- 我们只感觉到‘无条件的爱’与‘完全的祝福’ !



We were in complete Unity, not just with the Arcturian, but with the Mothership, as well. We felt absolute unity with every element of life on the Ship. As our experience began to expand into the higher frequencies of the Ship, I became concerned for Mytria. Fortunately, within our total Unity, she felt my concern and reminded me that she had experienced being in the swirling form of a planet. In fact, as she sent me that thought, I completely felt her experience of Being a Planet.

我们与‘大角星人’融合成了一体 , 而且也跟‘母舰’融合成了一体 ! 我们感觉到与‘母舰’里所有的生命原素都绝对的融合成了一体 ! 而当我们的经验开始扩大入‘母舰’中的高频率中时 , 我顿时为 Mytria 感到忧虑 . 幸运的是 --- 在我们完全的‘合一’当中 , 她也感觉到了我的担心 , 而提醒我说 --- 她之前有在一个星球的能量漩涡中的经验 . 事实上 --- 她送了那个想法给我 --- 而我就完全的感受到她所感受到的在一个星球的能量漩涡中的经验 .




I could feel the Arcturian guiding me to surrender into that feeling. Instantly, I WAS our Pleiadian PLANET. In fact, I felt my impression of Being the Planet simultaneously with Mytrias impressions. Within the same moment, I was also the entire Mothership. The frequencies of the Mothership that I could barely tolerate before, now felt warm and embracing.

“我可以感觉到‘大角星人’引导我去随顺这感觉 . 马上的 --- 我‘变成了’我们的‘昴宿星球’ .--- 事实上 --- 我感受到了做为一个星球的印象 --- Mytria 所感受到的印象是同时发生的 .--- 在同一个时间之内 , 我也变成了这整艘母舰 . 以前我所无法忍受的母舰频率 --- 现在却感觉温暖又舒适 !


I could feel how Mytrias consciousness of swirling energy was of a slightly different tone and hue than mine. Within the same NOW, I could feel how the Arcturians experience of Being the Planet was very different from Mytrias and my experience, yet augmented them both. At first I was confused by the myriad stimuli and was beginning to fall out of the experience. However, Mytria projected her familiar reassuring energy into me, which instantly grounded me and allowed me to LET GO into the Flow.

我可以感觉到 Mytria 对‘能量漩涡’的‘觉知’与我的是有一些差别调性与色泽的 .--- 在同一个‘当下’ --- 我可以感觉‘大角星人’对‘变成一颗星球的体验感觉’与 Mytria 的经验与我的经验也不同 --- 可是却彼此有‘互补效应’ ! 首先 , 我对 Mytria 的经验反应感到困惑 , 而开始有点‘掉出体验’中的感觉 .--- 但是 Mytria 对我发射了她那熟悉的 , 让我安心的能量给我 --- 马上就让我稳定下来 --- 并让我放松入这能量流当中 .



As soon as I released my old warrior suspicion and defense mechanism, I began to relax into the Flow. It was then that I began to fully feel my own swirling energy patterns. Then, I could simultaneously feel Mytrias swirling pattern and that of the Arcturian. They were different, but blended into a beautiful tapestry of light. Within the NOW of the ONE, we were all unique expressions of the Grand Unity of Life.

立即在我释放了我那老战士的怀疑与防卫机制之后 --- 我开始放轻松在这能量流中 . 那时我也开始完全的感受到自己的几种“本我能量漩涡形式” . 然后 , 我也可以同时感觉到 Mytria 的“本我能量漩涡形式”以及‘大角星人’的 ! 他们是不太一样的 !--- 可是又融合成了一张光的布幔 . 在‘合一’之中的‘当下’ --- 我们都是来自‘合一生命源头’的‘独特的生命形式’ !




I discovered that once I totally surrendered into my own energy, there was a quantum jump in my sensation of sharing two other experiences. Once I had released my concern that I would become lost within the others, instantly, there were NO others. There was only ONE expression of WE. We were completely intermingled into ONE, yet WE were fully aware of each of our Divine Sparks, from which the swirling patterns of light originated.

我发现 --- 一旦我完全随顺入我自己的能量中 , 我得到了一种‘量子跳跃’的‘感觉’ --- 是可以同时分享其它两个人的经验的 .--- 一旦我释放了我的担忧 --- 而不再害怕我会消失在其它人身上 , 立即的 --- 我再也感觉不到其它人的存在 .--- 这时 --- 只剩下‘一个’‘我们’的形式存在 ! 我们完全交织成了‘一体’ --- 可是 , 我们又完全可以觉知到我们每个人的“神圣火花’ --- 从这光的能量漩涡中生产出来 .



Within exact Unity, Mytria and I simultaneously KNEW every aspect of Parallel and Alternate Realities. We knew this because WE were the living possibility of every decision made manifest by our actions. We knew this because WE were ALL the living alternate expressions of SELF in every reality. With this realization, our experience slowly came to its conclusion.


在这‘合体’之中 ,Mytria 和我同时‘知道’每一个关于‘平行现实’与“选择性现实’的各个层面的事 . 我们知道这个因为‘我们’就是这‘活生生的’‘每一个抉择的可能性’的‘行动化现’ !我们知道这个因为‘我们’就是这‘活生生的’‘其它可能选择的’‘现实自我’ !--- 领悟了这点以后 --- 我们的经验慢慢的到达了‘结束点’ .



Together, we observed as our vast swirling energy patters coiled back into our Lightbody. We then experienced how our Lightbody slowly constrained itself back into the lower, fifth dimensional form to which we had been limiting our sense of SELF.

在一起 --- 我们看到了我们巨大的能量漩涡团转回了我们的光体之中 . 然后我们体验到我们的光体如何的慢慢的限制住祂自己而回到较低的第五维度的形式中 --- 在那里 --- ‘自我’的感觉又被限制了进来 .




 As the holosuite came back into focus, we felt the Arcturian whisper into our Heart-Mind, We are so pleased to have shared this experience with you. Soon, you will share it with others.

随着 全息室 的感觉又恢复了过来 , 我们感觉到‘大角星人’轻声细语的对着我们的“本心—心智体”说 : “我们很高兴与你们分享了这个经验 . 很快的 , 你们也会与其它人分享这个经验 .








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