


Dearest ones we communicate with those who resonate. We are the Arcturian Council, we are invested in Gaia and those who dwell on her. We bring news of the w·ar for all souls on Gaia. We are bringers of love, light and higher consciousness.




We are revealing ourselves as others are. Our ships are decloaking. It is time for full dis·clo·sure. Some talk of fact and fiction. These views, and that of others, are from a singular timeline. We see all timelines. Resist being conditioned to fear by pro·phe·sies of doo·m. The end times are the beginning times. This is the end of one era and the beginning of a new era. We cannot foresee the future because Gaia and her people will choose their path or paths. Multiple divisions are still likely, with many Gaia’s on different wavelengths. This will create a lot of energetic disturbances in this part of the galaxy. We and others are concerned about long term fluctuations of Gaia. Stability leads to balance and equilibrium. We seek this for Gaia and humanity.



我们像其他人那样揭示自己。我们的飞船在显现。这是全面揭露的时刻。一些人谈论真相与谎言。这些观点,以及其他的,来自一条单一的时间线。我们看到所有的时间线。抵抗因末·日的预·言适应于恐惧。结束时刻就是开始时刻。这是一个时代的结束,新时代的开始。我们无法预见未来,因为盖亚和她的人民会选择自己的道路。许多的分裂(Multiple divisions)依旧是可能的,伴随着许多盖亚不同的波长。这会创造银河系这个部分中大量的能量干扰。我们和其他人关心着盖亚长期的波动。稳定性导致平衡与均衡。我们为盖亚和人类寻求着这些


The sky w·ar is creating profound disturbances in Gaia’s frequencies. Souls are being released from contracts. Work has been done. Catalysts set in motion. Gaia and her people are about to ride incoming photonic light waves, intended to embed higher frequencies in and around Gaia. The An·unaki are fighting this. Shields are up that must be dismantled. This is the process Gaia is immersed in. A w·ar of frequency. Chaos reigns where peace shall flourish.




From this space in time we are preparing those who are awake to prepare those who are not. Compassion should be shown. Rev·elations will be made of advanced technologies, races and craft beyond many of Gaia’s inhabitants’ comprehension. Preparation is key. Breaking down the barriers to truth. We are here to recognise warriors of Gaia, truth seekers and truth bearers, for the work that has been done.




Pathways are convoluted yet at times crystalline. Primary moments in mankind’s evolution. 2018 vibrates high on our charts of quantum projection. Please do not panic. There are great disturbances all around you. We seek to ease your souls, there is much protection in place. We, the Arcturians, and our allies have taken our stance to prevent further destruction. We cannot directly affect those living on Gaia. This is the mission of light warriors. We see an energetic front line, a ba·ttle fig·hting the onslaught of negative, low vibrations. The human ca·bal are unleashing we·ap·ons to create fear, chaos and destr·uction. Take strength and belief from us dear ones. We are watching over you. We are your guardians and your protectors. Let light stream into your hearts. Know the universe is a far most vast and glorious place than you can imagine. One day humanity on Gaia will take her rightful place in the galaxy. This day is approaching.




Warriors of Gaia step up to your mission. No ripple of high vibration is too small, no pulse of heart chakra love too weak. Gaia embraces all positive frequencies, immersing herself and humanity in evolutionary recalibration. We seek to reassure and praise those who hold a steely belief in humanity. Your optimism is as golden light piercing the darkness. We are grateful and in awe of your tenacity, stamina and love. We are one with humanity and with Gaia in her ascension. In love and light, your guides and protectors, The Arcturians Council.





大角星委员会 20180317 全面揭露的时刻

通灵:Morag O’brien

翻译:Nick Chan


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