

Mother Sekhmet: 144,000 Awakening




在神圣的我是临在中,连接我的更高自我与我心爱的指导者 Heru 和我的指导灵团队,今天我向你们公布以下信息:

Sitting in the Sacred I AM Presence connecting with my Higher Self and in the Presence of my Beloved Guide Heru and my Spirit Guide Team I have the following message coming forth to you all this day:


祝福你们,亲爱的孩子们! Nama sika; venia benya ;我是一,我是万有。

Blessings to you all dear Children of Ra! Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole.




I greet you beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I reach out and embrace you in the energy or the space of wherever you may be in your life upon the earth.



You are living as a human in this life experience. You are feeling the essence of what it is to have a physical reality to live upon this planet with its gravitational pull; to live in a space and acknowledge who you are not only as a human but as this divine essence or this expanded consciousness incarnated as you the human.



I always love this time of coming together because it is my opportunity to come in even closer to you all on the earth plane and share these experiences that you are creating and co-creating for yourself and for humanity. Everything that takes place in these channels creates a space or an energy within the collective consciousness of the earth, within the dimensions of the earth so that others may tap into that or that you, yourself may go back and tap into that energy as you so choose.


这就是我们所要做的事情,   给你这个舞台,让你成为你一生中想要成为的。

This is why we do what we do; to give you that place to go that will assist you in becoming all that you can be in this lifetime.


I smile at the many different labels that the earth plane gives to the things that are happening upon the earth. We are now welcoming a fresh wave of abundance and prosperity to the hearts of you all.


我们迎来一个新开始,因为我们回归到了一个银河新年,就像我们再次喜迎一个至日。业力委员会正在对能量进行全面评估,此时,  144 +144000 个同意来到行星地球上监督盖亚进入新的黄金时代的光之存有正在唤醒的进程中。

We welcome a new as we embrace a Galactical New Year as we welcome Solstice once more. The Lords and Ladies of the Karmic Board are now proceeding to assess the energy at a universal level and the progress thus far with the awakening of the 144 plus 144,000 Beings of Light that have agreed to come forth to the Earth Plane to oversee the shifting of Gaia into the New Golden Age.



This work that you have undertaken is of a great undertaking and many of you are the face of great challenge. But this is nothing new to you. We have over recent weeks been preparing, assisting and activating many of you. Many of you may have felt the changes within your Energy Field. Many have been activated to the Crystaline Bodies of Light and Many working in the Diamond Codes have been activated to the Diamond Light Body.



Many have been receiving Soul Memory as your Past Life, Ancestral Lineage and Cellular Memory is surfacing into your consciousness. Many are experiencing many shifts and the healing and release is coming forth.



For the molecular structure of your earthly reality, and your planet and all living beings presently residing on your planet are undergoing a complete restructuring on the molecular level , in order to anchor in new energies coming forth from the benevolent star alliances as has been predisposed and predetermined eons past.



For the stars of yesteryear are aligning into position in order to shower your planet with ethereal energies yet again. Whereby the old energies are presently lifting off Gaia and are being transported into the ethers for healing and transmutation. The clashing of said energies is producing a time ripple effect which is sending waves of varying degrees affecting all who dwell on all timelines of your creation.



And hence, the stabilization of said energies is under way via the etheric cleansing techniques introduced into your ethers eons past.



We are now entering into new phase for humanity to finally shift Gaia into a new heightened awareness. Major events are happening like we have not seen since the great days of the Atlantean Root Race.



Many plantary alignments are coming forth and my Essence now anchored firmly on the Earth Mother to assist with many energy changes and events that are coming forth from the Higher Dimensions of Light.


天狼星和猎户星座将再次与吉萨金字塔对准,从天狼星带来新的爱的振动,通过下载从 7777 蓝门和天狼星 A 白门发出的高频振动来激活你 DNA 蓝图和光体, 8888 狮子门口将再次开放,以协助来自源头的神圣能量 0000 零点的共振,进一步完全锚定钻石之光的代码。

Sirius and Orion will align once more with the Pyramids of Giza bringing in the New Vibration of Love from the God Star Sirius and to assist with the download of High Resonance Frequencies to activate further your DNA Blueprint and Lightbody with the Frequencies coming forth from 7777 the Blue Lodge and the White Lodge Sirius A. 8888 Lions Gate Portal will open once more to assist in the Manifestation of the Sacred Energy 0000 Zero Point Resonance from Source to assist many further with the full anchorage of the Diamond Light Codes.


2017 9 20 日,精确的时间是早上 5:42: 24.333 ,大金字塔将有一个重大的校准,是我们自古以来不曾见到的,这是期待已久的。金星将在这个时候与狮子座一等星连接。而在那时,金星—“晨曦之星”将与“ “King Star ”对齐,正是在基督的方位上。这一周期将涉及许多行星和占星事件,包括狮子座一等星与金星进入狮子座和木星进入处女座。

September 20, 2017, precisely at the Great Pyramid at 5:42:24.333 am will be a major alignment that we have not seen for Eons and this is the long awaited for. Venus will be in conjunction with Regulus at this time. So at this moment, Venus, the “Morning Star” will be aligned with the “King Star”, precisely at the Christ angle. This cycle will involve many planetary and astrological events including the alignment of Regulus and Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Virgo.



Nibiru 目前正与太阳进行调整,预计将在 2017 10 24 日左右与地球再次排成一条直线,引起了新一轮的开悟的浪潮。许多人会认为这是“时代的结束”,因为这将是旧模式的终结,地球会进入新的阶段。这将摧毁长期以来的模式并迎来意识的巨大转变。

t is also forcasted that Nibiru currently in alignment with the Sun will be entering into alignment once more with the Earth on and around 24 October 2017 on your Earth bringing forth a fresh wave of enlightenment. Many will see this as the End of Times… for this is will be the End of the Old Paradigm entering the Earth into a New Phase. A destruction of all that hath passed through over Eons and a grand Shift of Consciousness coming forth.



This grand awareness is to finally shift Gaia from the trappings of the False Matrix that hath held her captive for Eons.



We are shifting now for many Masks are coming off as many are awakening from their slumber. The connection throughout the Dimensions is as intended.



Many more disclosures are coming forth as your Earth is moving into the final stages of a fully awakened consciousness.



The glorious days are coming forth once more as we enter the glorious days of the Golden Age of Gaia.



我是母神赛科麦特,这是我今天通过 Elaine 说的话。

I send you all Love, Peace and Divine Blessings

I AM Mother Sekhmet and I speak through Elaine this day.




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